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Paternoster off the beach?


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Hi all, I am going again for a few hours tonight at Maroubra looking for the usual edible suspects (Bream, Trevally, Tailor etc) and would like a bit of advice.

I have only ever used a simple rig of;

line with sinker>swivel>40cm leader to hook (I am sure there will a name for this simple setup?)

As the beach nearly alwsys seem to have a reasonable surf I use a pretty hefty bean sinker to keep it near the bottom and to enable me to cast out far enough.

I was wondering if I should try a different setup, say a paternoster rig with 2 hooks? I have looked at a few videos on this rig and in all honesty I still cant work out how to build the rig but wondered what your thoughts would be about the use of this setup on the beach?

Thanks guys, DingoDave

p.s Also, I have never used berly of any kind, should I be off the beach and if so what would you suggest trying?

Edited by Dingostema
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How are you David,

If your going to use the paternoster, its worth while using a star sinker to anchor into the sand. The paternoster, although traditionally a bottom bashing rig, works well from the beach i use it all the time. Try starting with one dropper about 50cm off the bottom. Leave around 35-45cm for the dropper itself (the line the hook it attached too) i fish maroubra often and the paternoster works well. If your going to use a paternoster, for casting purposes i dont use a swivel, i tie my line straight to my leader with a double uni? you will need to do this as too much line will be hanging out before the cast which will not generate the swing effect you want when you have a sinker on the end.

In temrs of berly your options are endless, even a can of catfood will do. i use a mixture of break,tuna oil and pillies and go to missus house and blend it in her milkshake maker (you must never speak of this again) and create a train by slowly releasing it. If you keep a trail constant thats what will bring the fish in, and berly near where you are casting that always helps.

I hope this helps mate, if not im going maroubra next week and ill show you what works for me from the rocks and beach.

Cheers, Stan

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HI David, Patternosted rigs are good for most surf beaches. I tie mine myself using 30lb mono or flouro and have 2 droppers of around 20cm long, with about half a metre between each dropper (usually more though). Your sinker should be same distance from first dropper as from first dropper to second dropper. On the top one I run a single 3/0 mustad and bottom I use a single 4/0 mustad hook. I use snapper leads I dont like the way star sinkers dig into the sand too much. Also remember that moving with your gear as it drifts along the gutter is a great way to discover the fish rather than having to berley up and wait for them to come to you.

If I choose to berley I use offcuts from striped tuna or slimey mackeral or yakkas and thron in the frames and heads etc that I dont keep for beach worming- mix in with a loaf of bread and throw handfuls in upcurrent of your chosen fishing location- lets face it if you berley @ your feet it will drift away- taking the fish it attracts with it.

If I am using whole pillies on ganged hooks run your sinker straight down to the hooks, dont bother tying a swivel on, they are best used for minimal surf conditions unlesss you want to keep the bait right on the bottom and let it drift with current.

Good luck mate



Edited by wannabefisho
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google dropper loop.

learn to tie this knot. Practice with some cheap mono. Once you master this try the twisted dropper (i prefer the twisted as it holds up better in rough conditions - ie surf, without tangles)

Alternatly you could buy the 3 way swivels, and use that to create the dropper for the paternoster


for making the rig - i like to use think heavy mono - say 60lb.

Its harder to tie knots with but it tangles less when casting or while in heavy surf.

dont stress though if you dont have any

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this was a killer rig when we used to fish cronulla and maroubra, double hook ups almost everytime when the fish were on the bite.

I usually start of with a swivel and have about a metre down all the way, running 2 longshank mustad hooks for live beachworms about 1/3 and 2/3 down coming off about 20cm from main line(cant remember the name for the knot but its the one where you twist n twist then bring the line in the middle loop, as others said a 3way swivel will also work but learn this know its very handy).

Another tip that i found very useful, take a bit of red electrical cable insulation and run about a 2inch length just over the eye of your hook leading onto the line, killer for whiting on the beach and i found it causes less knots.

We use big pyramid sinkers too to cast over the surf and to hold it in place.

And ive never tried Burleying off the beach? with all the surf and wash didnt think it would even be worth trying

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Cheers stan for your advice as always,

Why would I even use a leader? I assumed that the star sinker would attach to the end the line and then there would be one (40cm) dropper about 50cm up?

Cheers, David


If your tackling tailor its a very good idea to use leader, they have a very nasty bite on them and sharks are a very frequent catch on the beach. You can always benefit from using leader. Ive pulled some scary things out of maroubra.

Regards, Stan

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Hi Stan, i'll give it a go tonight. Just went to the tackle shop by QVB and they showed me how to tie a paternoster. Please see pic attached. The yellow arrow is where I fished last time in the south of the beach just before the rocks. I had not luck at all working out where the deeper parts were nor could I see any difference in where the waves were breaking,

It'll be dark when I get there tonight so would prefer to stay off the rocks but have any other parts of the beach been more productive for you than others?

Cheers, D

post-17740-095222400 1301022262_thumb.jpg

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'(you must never speak of this again)' - hehe, birlliant.

How are you David,

If your going to use the paternoster, its worth while using a star sinker to anchor into the sand. The paternoster, although traditionally a bottom bashing rig, works well from the beach i use it all the time. Try starting with one dropper about 50cm off the bottom. Leave around 35-45cm for the dropper itself (the line the hook it attached too) i fish maroubra often and the paternoster works well. If your going to use a paternoster, for casting purposes i dont use a swivel, i tie my line straight to my leader with a double uni? you will need to do this as too much line will be hanging out before the cast which will not generate the swing effect you want when you have a sinker on the end.

In temrs of berly your options are endless, even a can of catfood will do. i use a mixture of break,tuna oil and pillies and go to missus house and blend it in her milkshake maker (you must never speak of this again) and create a train by slowly releasing it. If you keep a trail constant thats what will bring the fish in, and berly near where you are casting that always helps.

I hope this helps mate, if not im going maroubra next week and ill show you what works for me from the rocks and beach.

Cheers, Stan

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You see where point 'A' is, on that side there are fish that i have caught before. There is a mixture of rocks and sand which makes a good combination for the occasional jew also. You need to cast far and there is a gutter there. You will see people there off the rocks fishing, if you stand on the beach and cast parrallel to the rocks you should catch fish. A good point was raised in this post, by walking with your rod as the current takes it often finds the fish. Think of this as drifting without a boat ; )

All the best mate txt me and let me know how u go, if my missus goes home early tongiht ill come down.


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All good, come down if you can, getting bored on my own!


You see where point 'A' is, on that side there are fish that i have caught before. There is a mixture of rocks and sand which makes a good combination for the occasional jew also. You need to cast far and there is a gutter there. You will see people there off the rocks fishing, if you stand on the beach and cast parrallel to the rocks you should catch fish. A good point was raised in this post, by walking with your rod as the current takes it often finds the fish. Think of this as drifting without a boat ; )

All the best mate txt me and let me know how u go, if my missus goes home early tongiht ill come down.


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Got soaked on Friday and caught nothing Stan!!! You didnt miss out!


You see where point 'A' is, on that side there are fish that i have caught before. There is a mixture of rocks and sand which makes a good combination for the occasional jew also. You need to cast far and there is a gutter there. You will see people there off the rocks fishing, if you stand on the beach and cast parrallel to the rocks you should catch fish. A good point was raised in this post, by walking with your rod as the current takes it often finds the fish. Think of this as drifting without a boat ; )

All the best mate txt me and let me know how u go, if my missus goes home early tongiht ill come down.


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Look forward to it matey, let me know.

Re setup, using a 9ft 2 piece surf rod and just bought a new baitrunner reel today as my starter reel has got a bit too sandy! (http://www.anglerswarehouse.com.au/product_detail.asp?productnospaces=shimano_baitrunner_3500b_284) with a 13lb line.


Hahahaha David,

The joys of fishing, you have your good and your bad days. Stick to it mate, and when i head out ill take you to some of of the spots i frequent. What rod/reel/line set up are you using?

Cheers, Stan

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