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2 Rock Fishermen drowned today in Syd Harbour

On Strike

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Some bad news unfortunately,

Just heard two rock fishermen drowned today in the harbour next to Middle Head. One got washed in and the other jumped in to save him. Both couldn't swim...... Come on guys if you can't swim and you want to fish from the rocks or a boat wear a life jacket or other form of floatation. Its such a waste of life. You put a seat belt on to drive a car. Why not a life jacket when you go fishing. Condolences to the families of those lost.

On Strike

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if you can't swim you shouldn't be fishing on the rocks full stop. just plain stupid. as for life jackets on the rock, some situation they may be handy, others dangerous, you want to be able to swim out from the rocks before the jacket inflates otherwise will just get pounded against the rocks.

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Yeah, fair point about the lifejackets and needing to be able to swim away from the rocks before inflating it. Not sure what the answer is.... but I agree, if you can't swim don't put yourself in the situation to begin with.

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Some bad news unfortunately,

Just heard two rock fishermen drowned today in the harbour next to Middle Head. One got washed in and the other jumped in to save him. Both couldn't swim...... Come on guys if you can't swim and you want to fish from the rocks or a boat wear a life jacket or other form of floatation. Its such a waste of life. You put a seat belt on to drive a car. Why not a life jacket when you go fishing. Condolences to the families of those lost.

On Strike

Couldn't agree more.....the stats are shameful.


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To wear a life jacket or not or to fish on the rocks or not. You are not going to be able to stop people fishing off the rocks even if they can't swim. This is a reality and since it is, those who choose to fish the rocks and can't swim should wear a life jacket. If I couldn't swim and got washed in I would rather take my chances with the life jacket on. I'd rather float and have a better than average chance of survival than have no life jacket and sink to the depths. If you can't swim you got bugger all chance of swimming away from the rocks. Education is a great way to get the message across. Perhaps a handout with each purchase of bait and or tackle will go some way to educate more. An incentive to buy jackets and manufactures making the jackets more affordable could help. The jet ski style jackets are comfortable and close fitting. At least you increase your chances if you are wearing one. Thats my thoughts on it anyway. Anything that gets people thinking and talking about the subject cant hurt.

On Strike.

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pretty tradgic news.

2 meter swells today, even though your on middle head, somewhat protected - still gotta be careful

i was actually going to go to a simillar place today for a fish but discovered my garage broken into and my rock boots stolen (along with my scuba gear). they left the rods thankfully.

anyway - some good advice in the news report: "The safety message that I would raise is if you are on rocks and are adjacent to water to know the conditions, to wear the appropriate equipment and to watch the waves at all times."


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Another fisher washed off rocks on northern central coast, others went to save him and got him out before chopper arrived but was taken to hospital. The rescue bill should be sent to him to pay for his stupidity.

Maybe being forced to pay will make them think twice.

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Check the weather.

For days it has been predicting dangerous surf and specifically mentions that rock fisherman should avoid fishing.

I am a lifesaver on the northern beaches and this is all we really do these days. I'm so sick of it

Absolutely. Its been mentioned for days. Its not like there isn't safer places. I managed a couple of flathead at Narrabeen lake today.

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lifejackets will not replace common sense! how simple does "if you cant swim, stay away from rock fishing sound?" My sincerest condolences to the families and the people left behind on what will be a very sad day... but sometimes we DO have to accept responsibility for our actions and unfortunately I don't believe forcing fishermen to wear lifejackets will save for lives, it may even cause more deaths as they "promote an even greater sense of security" and will lead to more danger and risk taking... then the battering on rocks that you cannot get away from.

We have fire bans on certain days, why don't we just have rock fishing bans on certain days based on safety criteria or swell size??

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lifejackets will not replace common sense! how simple does "if you cant swim, stay away from rock fishing sound?" My sincerest condolences to the families and the people left behind on what will be a very sad day... but sometimes we DO have to accept responsibility for our actions and unfortunately I don't believe forcing fishermen to wear lifejackets will save for lives, it may even cause more deaths as they "promote an even greater sense of security" and will lead to more danger and risk taking... then the battering on rocks that you cannot get away from.

We have fire bans on certain days, why don't we just have rock fishing bans on certain days based on safety criteria or swell size??

Yeah I guess putting up notice's on the news saying something like "The swell and seas are dangerously high, there will be a ban on all rock fishing in NSW for the next 2 days or something till the weather calms down."

But the only issue I see here is the remoteness of the place's where we rock fish. How is it to be controlled efficiently ??

I started off fishing on the rocks before anything. So I have a big respect for the ocean and mother nature. If she says it aint a good time to be fishing I wont be fishing. For example yesterday I was down Maroubra way with the missus to catch a movie. I had my flick stick and some metal splices, so I thought might go for a rock fish off the beach. Went down had a look, way to dangerous didnt even think twice and left. I dont think any fish is worth anyone's life.

My condolences goes out to the families of those involved in this tradegie, may you be strong in your time of mourning.


Edited by Mr.KingSpooled
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lifejackets will not replace common sense! how simple does "if you cant swim, stay away from rock fishing sound?" My sincerest condolences to the families and the people left behind on what will be a very sad day... but sometimes we DO have to accept responsibility for our actions and unfortunately I don't believe forcing fishermen to wear lifejackets will save for lives, it may even cause more deaths as they "promote an even greater sense of security" and will lead to more danger and risk taking... then the battering on rocks that you cannot get away from.

We have fire bans on certain days, why don't we just have rock fishing bans on certain days based on safety criteria or swell size??

Don't we have enough rules and regulations as it is? I disagree on banning. We are over policed in everything we do as it is. We all have a brain - use it. Education and information is the way to go.

Don't compare fire bans with a big swell fishing ban - bush fires risk the lives of many as the result of 1 idiot. if you fish and drown because you are ill prepared you really dont affect anyone but yourself (and your family).

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Don't we have enough rules and regulations as it is? I disagree on banning. We are over policed in everything we do as it is. We all have a brain - use it. Education and information is the way to go.

Don't compare fire bans with a big swell fishing ban - bush fires risk the lives of many as the result of 1 idiot. if you fish and drown because you are ill prepared you really dont affect anyone but yourself (and your family).

Yeah that is true, you cant punish the whole fishing community cause of some people who didnt prepare them selves properly and hurt them selves. Yes you are affecting yourself and your family severly, but also ontop of that your affecting the coast guard who will be called, you will be affecting the fishing community from an upset of this sort, you will also be affecting all the paramedics and doctors who will try and save your life and also the other anglers who where with you at the time. So really you end up affecting alot more people then you think at the end of the day. Also it cost's us (the tax payers) alot of money to fund rescue missions just because of some ill prepared anglers, which in-turn pisses everyone off and then they start putting bans and what not on the rest of the angling community who do there fishing properly and safely. Mainly so that this situation doesnt happen again and it means we dont spend millions of dollars on rescue missions that should never have happened in the first place. Hence policing it will be the way to go BUT I dont see how they are going to go about it.

I personally think it will be way to hard to police everyone rock fishing, way too many places, way too secluded and way too many anglers !!


this is just my opinion


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The problem is....... Ignorance and lack of education

Some people are not aware of how deadly Australian waters can be and add to that a language barrier or ignorance and it's a recepie for for disaster.

So alarming when I get down to a rock ledge where you should be wearing cleats and half the people havnt got any.

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Hey Spongy.

Condolances to the families involved.

You hit the nail on the head mate.

The majority of the deaths are of a particular culture or two.

Unforunately they just have no idea of the danger and in a lot of ways that is just not their fault.

Its getting into these cultures and creating awarness/education programs etc etc that will create a difference.

Still very hard to do but they have to start somewhere and then build trust with those communities.

PS to Admin,is Martin the Pom still around, this is an aspect that he may be able to assist with as he is from what I understand amicably qualified in politics.


Trapper T

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Lifejackets are not the answer!!

They will probably kill more than they save.

I have been down this road with Surfboats in Surf Life Saving. Lifejackets will hamper those trying to swim away from the rocks or from swell. Education is a complete cop out too.

Everybody knows the risks.

Ignorance and arrogance was a killer here.

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The problem is....... Ignorance and lack of education

Some people are not aware of how deadly Australian waters can be and add to that a language barrier or ignorance and it's a recepie for for disaster.

So alarming when I get down to a rock ledge where you should be wearing cleats and half the people havnt got any.

So true....I have even seen people taking their young kids on the rocks (under 12).

It's so scary when you see then trying to fish near the ledge.

I have even seen a young guy on the rock ledge fishing with a 7 foot rod trying to collect livies for his dad on a rising tide...he almost got wiped out twice before I had to step in and tell him to back away.

I know there are some safe rock ledges out there but is it really worth risking the life of your kid?

As a general rule I don't like to take people out rock fishing if they don't have the correct gear or know how to swim

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Don't know that the powers that be can do much...

Don't think that lifejackets being compulsory are the answer either...

A bit like drink driving really... You can't stop the idiots from getting behind the wheel...

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Sincere condolences to the family and friends or the fishermen.

I went down to cronulla and saw the water smashing on the rocks, my mate an I decided we'll just go landbased which was safe, in times like this we should be more careful, don't risk your life for a fish.

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Okay to make it simple this is how big it was I went to a usual big southerly swell haunt looked at it went great its fishable waited 10 - 15 mins and in that time two large sets came through no consistency in the sets size so I said to my mate head to inner south head fished near Lady Jane for two monster blackies and a lot of downs and even there a couple sets bounced off middle head and were quite big for being in the harbour! so what the hell are they doing on Middle head, no matter how much you warn educate whatever you do short of making it illegal some idiot will go out and fish where its just not on. My thoughts lie with the wives parents and children of all those that make such choices. No fish is ever worth your life! I'll post a few pics of where we were to illustrate the swell hitting middle head soon!

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Massive difference. A seatbelt won't throw you back into the other car and then back into yours repeatable until your stuck up against the rocks and can't swim away

It's a proven fact now that seatbelts save lives, no question. However even though it seems obvious now there were a number of people against their introduction, saying they'd do more harm than good. Kind of like how some people believe life jackets will kill rock fishermen. Seriously, anything that keeps your head above water when you're incapable of doing so yourself is going to help. Granted they may make swimming harder, but it's still very possible to swim in them. To say they'd kill more people than they save is just crap.

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