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Quick flick in the canoe

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G’day raiders

After a full morning of fishing shows, fishing magazines, fishraider and fishing blogs I was ITCHING get out on to the water. So I decided to attempt to fix up my canoe trailer and take it down to my local haunt. Getting down to the river successfully and happy with my zip tie/duct tape repair I set off on my way. It wasn’t long after a quick lure swap and a change in technique when this nice 33cm bream picked up my plastic and started towing my canoe all over the place! :thumbup:

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Then a couple of casts later this TINY EP jumped on board.

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Not much else happened after this so I turned around and had a short paddle home. Quite pleased with the results considering I was only out for 45 mins.

Cheers Stuart

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yeah bro looks like a black bream to me !!! For some reason does anyone think that the black bream fight harder then your normal silvers? I think so , whats everyone else thing

only if you are catching Brembo's under 35cm... over 40cm you are in for one helluva tough battle on light gear and Ive been smoked by big bream over the years- im still yet to crack 50cm but its on my agenda... lol

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