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Garie Beach on Sunday


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Hi guys,

Went to Garie beach on Sunday around 12pm off the beach and no bites at all for like 5 hours.

While fishing i realised choppers from channel 10 and 7 were flying around the rocks

and starting filming i think.... weren't to sure why, anywazzz around 5pm damn was it getting cold or what....

decided to leave and when i got home.... guess what... someone died at Garie Beach that day in the morning

fishing off the rocks. Freaky......

Don't think i'll go there again.......

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Yes no good for the chap involved my hubby was saying he fished garie rocks on the northen end of the beach for years even a bit further up at a rock they called the coffin, they had caught many large tailor and larger salmon of those rocks, but you do have to chose your days, not days when the seas are up can be very dangerous....

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hi. fishing off rocks on the northern side garie beach is extremely dangerous when the waves are high. this tragedy only shows that anyone can drown off the rocks regardless if you can swim or not. fishos must be really be careful when fishing off rocks. wearing safety gear is a must if you fish off rocks. i hope this tragedy will really make other rock fishos think of safety before they fish off the rocks. be really careful off rocks specially this time of the year. take extreme care always when you are fishing off rocks. safety gear eg vest will increase your survival rate compare to not wearing anything at all.

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hi all

i used to fish garie on a weekly basis it is very dangerous i used to fish a place called the deck it was on the north side between garie and watermolla amazing fishing there at times with salmon tailor trevally brim big kings blue groper snapper and jews all caught here{that was 20 years ago dont think it would fish like that again } the downside of fishing here is how dangerous it is we used to have a 20 litre plastic drum tied off to the old railway track that had been hammered in to the rock so if you ever went in and were lucky enought not to get dragged under the rock you could throw the plastic container out to the person in the water and get pulled back to safety. i was there one day and the water was so flat it was amazing but like people say watch for the freak wave we allways watched the water but this day we copped the freak wave it went right up to our chest luckily there was only two of us on the rock so we could both hold on to the railway track it was the scariest thing i encountered as a rock fisherman sort of gave it up after that bought a boat instead hope this gives you an insight to this spot


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I think on that day the swell was around 1.5 wasn't that bad because i remember the swells went up to 3m from monday

Out of 15 times going there only had 1 good day, no waves etc.

Not going there ever again that's for sure.... kinda turned off fishing now.

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I think on that day the swell was around 1.5 wasn't that bad because i remember the swells went up to 3m from monday

Out of 15 times going there only had 1 good day, no waves etc.

Not going there ever again that's for sure.... kinda turned off fishing now.

Why are you turned off fishing?

When you cross the road, do you look left and right before crossing? if you cross without looking left and right and you get run over, do you think it will put people off crossing the road?

Education is the key, 90%of my fishing is from the rocks and we fish some extreme locations but NEVER do we venture when we see or read conditions are not right.

seabreeze and BOM understand wind and swell and know what the right and wrong combinations are, wear appropriate shoes etc.

I am sick of hearing and reading about the media and others beating up rock fisho's, perhaps we need to spend more time educating people.

thats my 5 cents anyway and was sad to hear of the deaths

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