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BIG winter fish to target? Not Jewies...ideas?


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Hey all Raiders,

Any ideas on good LB large fish to target in winter? Sick of trevs, no time and no experience for blackies, Bream -(been there done that) Jewies - night and hours and its like a lottery:1prop: Flathead - common,

Hoodlums I believe are still around, hairtale??? are these good?

Any ideas guys?



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Hey all Raiders,

Any ideas on good LB large fish to target in winter? Sick of trevs, no time and no experience for blackies, Bream -(been there done that) Jewies - night and hours and its like a lottery:1prop: Flathead - common,

Hoodlums I believe are still around, hairtale??? are these good?

Any ideas guys?



what about salmon?

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Try chasing big snapper as for blackies once you have a couple gos and if you have the knack theres not a huge amount of time nad experience comes with each session. I think you are limiting your options! Theres always pigs off the stones! Or try mullet they can be real hard ot catch not easy buy any standard!

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Thanks Slyzor,

Salmon are a little to easy also, caught my fair share already this year, largest going 93cm.

Any ideas on other species?


Not much left to please you then, eh!!! Got a pic of that salmon. DPI state maximum size up to 90cm, so yours would have to be a record.

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Mate LB you are gonna be fairly limited to species you can chase- sure you have Hoodlum Kingies, Snapper, Pigs, blackfish and Jew, Sambo's and Greenback Taylor all around till mid-winter before things slow down too much in the rivers and foce many anglers to arm-chair tactics over a few tinnies, lol

Hairtail are an good option but if you canot be arsed trying for jew due to long ovewrnighters and hours spent- well you got buckleys getting a haritail coz they are more elusive than the humble jewie.

As others have mentioned Mullet might be a worthy option, or maybe you can go to the dark side and try natives like Cod, Barra, Grunter, Yellowbelly, Silverbelly and you could even go for some mud-suckers (carp- as we can all do with fewer of these pests in our systems) and they are great sport on any gear...

Good luck whatever you choose to chase



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Not much left to please you then, eh!!! Got a pic of that salmon. DPI state maximum size up to 90cm, so yours would have to be a record.

Are you serious?? the record is 90cm ? the smallest Salmon I have caught in the last 2 months is 70cm..

Maybe I need to target and photo these now?? How do you go about recording a record?

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Why not have a go at some groper, you will find them at spots you already fish and will test your gear, skill etc. THere are also some big pigs around and tough to land. Your other option is snapper, they test your skill, technique, gear, casting ability, brain and are a very tough proposition when fishing from the rocks and around during winter particuarly after a big swell.


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How about some yellow tail? There in huge numbers ;)

:074: :074: :074:

Tone Loc, wondered when you were going to turn up!! At least I can catch Yackas ! :tease:

So are we going Jewie hunting tonight or what Lizard man?? :biggrin2:

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