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Round 3


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Well round 3 had to be one of the toughest adventures yet! With very cold conditions and 20+kns of wind to contend with it made the 3rd installment a testing one.

IN the dark cold glow of the morning we set off to the back of the lake taking the eastern shoreline. We went this side as it was the windy shore line. I usually find in my other types of fishing the windy banks to be more productive as food gets washed to it. Yes it's alot harder to fish but we want fish!

Trecking up the back was a mission with all the gear in such conditions but on arrival into the bay we wanted the conditions looked great. NIce ruffel on the water, and the point looked foamy with a little shore break hitting the grassy bank. I think the water has risen a little since last week.

We rigged up and proceeded to cast. every now and then we could hear cheering from the far bank over on the western side of the lake. Dam did we get it wrong?

By 9am things were looking grim with the sun up and only a couple of bites to RIch and zeros for me....

IN the rush and darkness of the morning I had forgotten my hat, had beanie on.

I coudn't see into the water properly, I had to shade my eyes with my hand to have any chance but then you can't wind the rod....

The week before I saw over 60% of my takes so my confidence was running low.

I quickly made the decision to walk back to the car and get it. My thinking was it was only 9, we were doing a full day so another 8hrs without a hat, no way!

Arriving back after the mammoth treck I had a drink and watch Rchard walk over with his second of the day, yeah baby I'm still in with a chance to catch him!

Third cast I see a silver flash behind my lure, I "dance" the wriggler in front of the trout and he's all over it!

Without the hat I wouldn't have seen that fish!

The day went on with a consistant catch of fish and yep even another double hook up! :thumbup:

Today I even caught another PB rainbow of 55cm but the best thing about it, I caught it on a home made fly! :yahoo:

Dropped 2 fish over to mums to pay for my mooring charges :biggrin2: and got back home at 9pm, had left at 3am so an 18hr adventure! It's amazing what those half litre cans of Red BUll can do for you! Just wish they gave me real wings when I had to go get me hat!

In the end the score was 10/5 to me and I also got big fish with the 55cm PB. :biggrin2:

I only got 1 fish on plastics and the rest on fly. I peppered each spot with 4 casts of the plastic first then the fly. Amazing the resaults! Dont know what the fly is, looks like a baited breath that I forgot to tie eyes onto!

Pix today were off Iphonne, It was way to cold to play around with dslr!

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Edited by GregL
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Nice session on the rainbow trout Greg. Top fishing old mate! :thumbup: I'm glad to hear that two trout pays your mooring fees. Sounds like one fish per week will just about cover the mortgage with a snapper or two left over to run the Lamborgini :biggrin2:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Top day once again Greg

But I'm not getting used to you smashing me in the fish stakes.

Times will change my friend lol. but have to hand it to you going back to get your hat you deserve to smack em.

Until NEXT time


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Thanks all.

It's amazing what all those laps of the Bay Run do to a person, add red bull......

Rich I know your going to get me very soon, our fishing has always been like that when we fish together. I love the competitiveness. Bring on NEXT time!

Byron, I wish life was that easy! The stress's of over a thousand families livelihoods is way enough to deal with during the week. Simple things in life are what our family enjoys and yes sometime we do spoil ourselves but don't we all deserve to do that every now and then?

Nanook, if I keep doing that sorta Km's each trip, all I will have to do is acclimatize to sleeping in a tent. ONly problem I might attract mating bears with my snoring at night! LOL

Snaggy mixing it up this year has been awesome, always thinking of new ways to catch, researching hunting down and achieving has been so rewarding and really fired my love for fishing even more. Catching bream and really only bream for so long blinded me. There's just to many nice fish to catch out there and yep I want to catch them all! :biggrin2:

MIke Thursday looks the goods so far :thumbup:


Oh and the only pic I took with the DSLR. It was taken on the walk in ontop of a hill half way along the eastern bank. Has a concrete block with numbers on it. Dam level max indicator im guessing?

NIce view from up there anyway!

post-3563-082561100 1305504802_thumb.jpg

Edited by GregL
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.........Byron, I wish life was that easy! The stress's of over a thousand families livelihoods is way enough to deal with during the week. Simple things in life are what our family enjoys and yes sometime we do spoil ourselves but don't we all deserve to do that every now and then?........

Greg, you are one one of our keenest fishermen anxious to get among all species of fish. I for one really enjoy your exploits. Keep up the good work mate, enjoy yourself, we all like your style :thumbup:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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