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Anyone had a problem with jackets recently?


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I know someone who fished from the Hacking all the way down along the Royal National Park a couple of days ago. The jackets showed up within twenty minutes every time they stopped. They moved about a lot and fished in depths from 20 - 55m. In two and a half hours they only managed one keeper flathead and a ray. They stopped counting the hooks and rigs they lost and eventually gave up bottom fishing. They trolled instead for a couple of tailor and bonito.

I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has had a problem with jackets down that way over the weekend. I was hoping to try down there this week, but now I'm having second thoughts.



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Hi Pete

I fished off Jibbion today, it was to rough to head down to the Cliffs, i had a tank of Yakka's and a bag of peeled prawns, my plan was to troll down to a spot and to drop the livies down, that didn't end up happening but i can comment on jibbion, i fished all around 10 meters deep there was no signs of Leatherjackets, i didn't lose any rigs to them, I caught nothing but some small Flattys on prawns, so there not there, just yet.

P.S still trying to catch one of them cracker kings you got !


Edited by cut_loose
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Hello there, its been like that over the last few years, theres only one thing you can do other then keep on changing spots, and that is to use wire paternoster rigs attached to 10 mtrs of wire, make sure that you do not touch your main line with your fingers , and bring along a few more wire rigs because you will loose some rigs no matter what.

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The jackets have been in plague proportions around that area for as long as i can remember, i've been fishing the area since 2005, every year they seem to get worse.

The further you move out though the bigger they seem to be so if you want a decent feed head deep with wire traces.

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