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Botany Bay 20-5-11


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Hi Raiders

Myself and fellow Raider Crazy Faridation(Mark) hit the bay for a fishing sesh Friday.

It was Marks birthday also and his brother had organised a party for him in the evening,

they wanted to add some seafood to the b'day bbq so the pressure was on to deliver.

We spent the first few hours gathering squid, we ended up with 13 small to medium

specimens and two large ones which we kept for ourselves. We also had 7 freshly frozen

squid which I had caught during the week.

We anchored up at Molli pt and threw out two 15kg outfits, one with live squid the other

with the frozen variety. Two more outfits (5.5kg) were also deployed using the ppp teqnique

to see if any other species of fish were about in our berley trail.

Over the next 3 hrs or so we had a full on action packed sesh, the two of us were kept

busy reeling in fish. We landed I think around 20 Trevs (all released), 4 Bream and we

hooked up on around 18-20 Kings (15 landed and all but 7 released)I even caught one rat

King on the ppp teq. The live squid and the frozen squid were getting hammered evenly.

The kings ranged from 63 to 70cm in size, and there were a handfull that busted us off

and won their freedom.

After the days fishing was over we got to my place and cleaned ourselves and our gear then

headed off to Marks place. There were people already there enjoying a drink and awaiting

our arrival, thank god we had caught some thing to add to the feast that was being prepared,

:1happybday: Mark (Crazy Faridation) Top day mate :thumbup:


First couple pics taken with my cam uderwater in my livey tank.

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Mark holding a few fish

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The ppp acounted for this 63cm King (released unharmed)

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What we kept

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Cheers all.

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Awesome report mate with lots of fish, i think i'll hit the bay tomorrow :1fishing1:

I was just wondering if you had to get up at first light to get the squidys ? i never have any luck getting squid in Botany, and it's a shame as it seems to be the gun way for kings

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Awesome report mate with lots of fish, i think i'll hit the bay tomorrow :1fishing1:

I was just wondering if you had to get up at first light to get the squidys ? i never have any luck getting squid in Botany, and it's a shame as it seems to be the gun way for kings

Mate we hit the water around 9am, so you dont have to be up at 1st light.

Good luck hope you get a few. :thumbup:

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Great catch. Would be hard to beat getting out on a weekday and coming home with a feed like that. This might be a silly question whats the PPP.

Its the Penguin Peeled Prawn Teqnique :biggrin2:


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Hey Penguin,

Great catch there. We were in the boat next to you asking you for the tips! We only ended up with 2 kings... My friends and i were so jealous watching you and you're mate polling in the kings! Did you end up getting the squid at yarra? We tried and didnt get anything. Had to settle with using live yellow tails instead. Thanks again for the friendly tip.


Edited by puregeek
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Hey Penguin,

Great catch there. We were in the boat next to you asking you for the tips! We only ended up with 2 kings... My friends and i were so jealous watching you and you're mate polling in the kings! Did you end up getting the squid at yarra? We tried and didnt get anything. Had to settle with using live yellow tails instead. Thanks again for the friendly tip.


Hi there puregeek, nice meeting you guys, sorry to hear the squiding didnt go as you

would have liked. We had to move around to several diff spots to get the squid yarra bay

was one spot that did provide some for us. Hope to see you guys polling in the Kings

next time. :thumbup:


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Nice report and what a catch!!! no wonder why it was so hard squidding in the bay yesterday! you had caught them all the day before :biggrin2: next time please let me know what day you are going out so I can plan to go out the day before ehhehe :biggrin2: well done again!!!

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Nice report and what a catch!!! no wonder why it was so hard squidding in the bay yesterday! you had caught them all the day before :biggrin2: next time please let me know what day you are going out so I can plan to go out the day before ehhehe :biggrin2: well done again!!!

:Funny-Post: Good one Quiny

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It was great going fishing with a person who had huge patience like me and new the importance of fresh squid thx penguin graet day and the party was in full swing bye the time i got their so the timming was good. :thumbup:

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It was great going fishing with a person who had huge patience like me and new the importance of fresh squid thx penguin graet day and the party was in full swing bye the time i got their so the timming was good. :thumbup:

Hi Mark, how come you had to rejoin with 2 z,s in Crazzy? I looked you up and found you

with 1 z as in Crazy join date 2007. Dont tell me you forgot how to spell your name :biggrin2::074:

cheers mate

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