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browns mountain bottom bash


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Well done Drummo you make it look so easy. :thumbup: For mine Gemfish and Cod are the best eating fish in the ocean. It's a shame you have to travel so far and fish so deep to get them. That sky looks a little on the dark side for my liking, What was the swell like Drummo?. Cungee George waits on until the late afternoon which he finds performs much better for cod on days when the gemfish are abundant and over aggressive in the early mornings. George usually stays on till after midnight for a Mako another good eating fish for an extended family :thumbup: The quality of the seafood that George has cooked Greek style over the years and brought up to my place for our get togethers has been nothing short of restaurant class particularly the cod and the occies so there's no need for me to dive for occies like George does or get knocked around too far out to enjoy the best fish in the ocean these days :biggrin2:

Basil why the need for a charter George's big Stessyl will do Browns on the sensible days no worries at all just that you'll have to give him a nudge or two to leave around 4pm (on the day of the session that is and not the following day) :D

We never did find out but I wonder who does the cooking in the Penguin's household as he generally always brings home plenty of quality fish


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Great catch Drummo,Mate its just great to see photos but for all of us that have never been out there a bit of information about the place would be really appreciated, the time it took to get there, how long did you all fish for? did you loose any gear and how? what sort of gear did you all use what sort/ size hooks , baits , how many other boats where there?..... thanks mate.

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mate it took the skipper about 45 mins to get out there.....im on the crew.... the rigs you buy from the tackle stores.. or you can make then up.. ( easier to buy from stores.. ) the rigs have lights attached that are activated as soon as they hit the water ( 10 bucks each ).... the winch was manual ( hard work but when you have a fish on the end its easier.. or in my case im pretty fit and manage ok ).... the bloke with us had an electronic winch was set on slow retrieval..... we lost a good size one on the electric winch... big one too.. the swell was around 3.5 occasional huge set... be careful......always..... a long day.... we were out for albies..... cubed for hours for sod all! lucky we had the winches as a back up!!! good luck pal! ive only been to brown hald a dozen times.... pays to go out with an experienced crew always... im still learning mate

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mate there were boats trolling....no one else bottom bashing... we used californian squid....... bonnies fllets and pillies with some stripies ( they liked the stripies fillets )...

the swell was about 3 metres.... occasional rolling boomers the size of houses.. pretty uncomfortable.. we held bottom ok.... no lost rigs....

drift was slow surprisingly.. picked up in the arvo!!!long day

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Great info Drummo and George,I will get out there one day . just two more guestions , how heavy are the sinkers that you use? and how small a boat would you both be okay with out there? thanks again for the info .

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mate...go with someone who is experienced for the first coupla times.....boat size.... i wouldnt go out in anything under 5 metres..... ( thats just me though ive seen smaller boats out wide on good flat days )...weights are heavy...id say around 1-2 kgs...minimum.. varies though... prob ask cj he may know more info than me

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Managed a trip out with the boys mid week.... braved the swell for a bottom bash at browns and got these.

****great feed on the bbq hard to beat!***

Nothing wrong with a superb catch from the deep blue sea :thumbup: .Some of the oceans tastiest fish well worth the effort :1fishing1::1fishing1::1fishing1: .


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