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Great day in the Bay..


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Hey Raiders...

Quick report.. had a great day on the water today with plenty of action.

Started the day collecting squid and managed a tank full in no time.. managed to get this chunky fellow! :thumbup:

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Most of the squid were too big to downrig but the ones i sent down lasted no more than a few minutes before the rats attached it..

Of the 6 kings landed only one keeper which was just legal.

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With no more lollipop sized squids to DR.. i stripped up a few of the largers squids and anchored up. Molli point = nothing, Drums = nothing, Oil wharf = nothing. Fussy bastards they were today... :mad3:

With the kings not playing ball I headed off to the flats and got plenty of flatties on plastics. This being the best flatty for the day:

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I also dropped off the crabs nets and picked up a few crabs while flicking plastics.. :thumbup:

Water temp was only 18 degrees in most places but that did not seem to put the fish/squid off today. All up a great day out!

Got home a had a feast.. fresh squid, kingfish, crabs and flathead... life is good... :biggrin2:

See ya later

DHYPE / Trung

Edited by dhype
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Hey Mate,

Nicely done for the day, started off well with the squid then got into the rats with a keeper in with em is awesome. Plus then a whole bunch of flattie work with plastics and then crabs lol WOW! Where was the invite for dinner at your place bud :P

heheh, quick question bud. Where are some good spots to bag up on squid? Everytime I go out to chase kings we dedicate about an hour or 2 in collecting bait. Usually manage a tank full of yakkas but can never really get onto any squid. Sometimes ill hit 1 or 2 and there usually 2 large for a whole bait so i end up taken them home. Any help on squid would be awesome bro, PM if you like :)

Cheers and well done,


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Hey Trung its Ali, was nice meeting you back at the ramps.

While parked up near the 20 or so other boats at molly pt who were also having little luck, i was thinking maybe its just a slow day for everyone the fish are off the bite or something, thanks for proving to me otherwise :mad3: haha.

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Hey Mate,

Nicely done for the day, started off well with the squid then got into the rats with a keeper in with em is awesome. Plus then a whole bunch of flattie work with plastics and then crabs lol WOW! Where was the invite for dinner at your place bud :P

heheh, quick question bud. Where are some good spots to bag up on squid? Everytime I go out to chase kings we dedicate about an hour or 2 in collecting bait. Usually manage a tank full of yakkas but can never really get onto any squid. Sometimes ill hit 1 or 2 and there usually 2 large for a whole bait so i end up taken them home. Any help on squid would be awesome bro, PM if you like :)

Cheers and well done,


Mate - if you find kelp and sand.. you will find squid. I find that using the more expensive jap squid jigs in sizes 2.0 or 2.5 results in better catches... buy a few different color jigs and change after 10 minutes if you dont get a hit. Try the usual spot - bare island, yarra bay bommie and the nudiest beach around the corner of the bare island.

So that's where all the squid went! Good work man . Was trying ages for squid but no luck.

hahahah - the early bird catches the worm as they say... but in this instance all the squid! All excess squid found a good home in my BELLY! :biggrin2:

Did you end up getting anything at Molli point or the drums?

Nice going there Trung... And people wonder why we go fishin'...

the reason i go fishing is to get away from the wife! you go fishing for some other reason? :1prop:

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Hey Trung its Ali, was nice meeting you back at the ramps.

While parked up near the 20 or so other boats at molly pt who were also having little luck, i was thinking maybe its just a slow day for everyone the fish are off the bite or something, thanks for proving to me otherwise :mad3: haha.

Hey Ali -

Nice chating to you too at the ramp.. it was a tough day on the water and I had to move around alot to find the fish. If there is no fish in a spot for 20 or 30 minutes i generally move on elsewhere... no point wasting hours at a dead spot.

I did see scotty lyons at molli point pull in a few travelly (looked like it) at about noon... apart from that i did not see too many other people score fish.

catch you next time


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Yeah we had a late start, Mental note.. Gotta get there before Dhype does. :biggrin2:

Apart from getting there early probably need a little more squidding skills and technique. :)

Thats an interesting squid jig. What color and brand is it?

We got a salmon on a sluggo at Molli and a few snappers on squigies at drums :thumbdown:

Does not compare to the line peeling sensation of a kingy!.

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