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Last minute trip to Jervis Bay sat morning


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hi Guys,

well it started about 7pm when nearing home friday night my mate rings me telling me were off to JB and due to my trailer still not finished said hell yeh..

having nothing ready was an issue and by sunrise with less than 1hrs cat nap we were getting slimies and me being the guide for 2 boats the pressure was on.

now im sure i told the guys this was my first real crack at jb and after me filling the tank with horse slimies and others wondering what i was doing different to them :1prop: we headed out to block and cheese.we were limited with fuel and both boats not really setup for hardcore fishing so i settled for some drift fishing dropping livies,and besides i was knackered from no sleep as well as others by mid morning..

there was not alot showing so set some drifts over some marks and other likely terrain i found..

we got harrased by the biggest bonito with some well over the 70cm mark.

my 2 crew were sleeping while i continued the hunt and other than a few big schools smashing the surface was not looking good..

one massive thing broached as i was re-rigging again from bonnies trashing trace only 5 - 6 metres away and as i looked all i saw was a massive spread of scales shimmering everywhere,got a slimey out within 20 seconds but whatever it was didnt come back,i suspect sammy seal but never saw it..

guys were not looking good and other boat wanted to go so i called last drift..

positioned to go over a couple of good formations then sent down my slimey..

got to bottom raised it about 10 metres,about 2 min passed and i felt a little nudge,hmmmm slowly lift to check thinking another bloody bonnie set hook then all hell breaks loose with that sweet sound of 6kg drag singing that sweet tune.i immediately go to sunset of 10kg or so and it still pulls string..wooooohooo i call ,"this is what we came to JB for".

this thing really gave me curry and esp since i barely had energy to pull rods up before last move..

adrenaline pumping and some lifts and no winds :074: and i eventually get color with decky telling me theres no gaff :1wallbash: ..

i scream for the boys to get a bait in as there was half dozen followers of equal an bigger size while contemplating holding fish in water for them i notice my 8/0 only just in side of jaw :1yikes: i made the call to swing him aboard as the other guys were busy trying to get followers..

woooohoooooo yes adrenaline is a wonderful thing as i was all fueled up now and ready to do battle again..

get another big slimey down and within a short time i get another soft nudge,hmmmm i see a pattern emerging here... bang im on again..woooohooo .

after another spirited fight i land another good jb kingy..

we were pretty buggered and other boat wanted to go so sent last livey down to get molested by bonnies so we pulled the pin for a cracker run home in glassed out seas..

i didnt crack that magic meter mark but was bloody close :1punk: ..

thanx guys for a great trip down jb and its a pitty we only got a few kings but it was very slow down there and from the tentative bites i got i would assume they were there but just not feeding for some reason,i dont think sounder was setup proper so was flying blind mostly..

heres a pic of a hard earned pair of kings..

post-2219-075617100 1306148689_thumb.jpg

tally for the day was 3 kings and a few monster bonnies to about 75cm or so,never got them that big before....


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Nicely done Steve - a top session! :thumbup: Got to say you sure love your fishing Stevie travelling all the way down to Jervis Bay in this cold weather after having had hardly any sleep at all.

Nice reading too mate :thumbup:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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