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Making my own Blackfish floats


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Ok so last week when the rains were hitting us hard, i had a few days off and planned to go fishing, i braved it one day, but stayed in the next and thought what fish related thing could i do, so i sorted all my tackle and decided to have a go making my own blackfish floats.

so using things i found around the house i got some gear together. i found an old diused bike helmet sporting some very nice hard polysteryene and some cheap ass chopsticks in the draw.

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so i peeled off the outer layers of the helmet to reveal the polystyrene

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i then carved it up with my penknife (it was pretty tough so i had to saw it) into managable chunks and squeezed them on the chop sticks.

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then using sciccors a knife and a file i whittled them down into float shapes.

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then i got the next stage sorted, where i needed some swivels, fishing line and paints.

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i carved out little grooves at the top and bottom of the floats, and using the fishing line i attached the swivels to the floats, heres a close up of one.

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and so i was now ready to paint.

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and so using some $3 acrylics i painted them in different colours, and finished them off with my girlfriends nail varnish top coat to make them water proof.

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now to try them out! and lets hope they work, i cant wait. :)

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Let us know how they went.

When I was making my own I used the cork from a champagne bottle.

I put a hole through the cork, put a piece of dowl through, put it into a drill, turned the drill on and shapped it with some sandpaper.

I got to the stage where I needed to paint them and make eyelets for the line, I just never found suitable stainless wire to make them from and I gave up.

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Let us know how they went.

When I was making my own I used the cork from a champagne bottle.

I put a hole through the cork, put a piece of dowl through, put it into a drill, turned the drill on and shapped it with some sandpaper.

I got to the stage where I needed to paint them and make eyelets for the line, I just never found suitable stainless wire to make them from and I gave up.

If you can’t find stainless steel wire then you can use copper wire/ electrical wire which is a bit thick and stiff. It won't get rusty.

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Well done with your floats - great idea to use the swivels instead of wire ..... I think i'd use strong braid to tie them on tho?

...I got to the stage where I needed to paint them and make eyelets for the line, I just never found suitable stainless wire to make them from and I gave up.... I bought a small roll of 200lb (I think) Stainless Steel leader - it folds nicely - just cut a suitable length, fold it in half & snug up the top 'width' with pliers ....... then, holding the top 1-2cm in the pliers - fold the other 2 bits away & voila! Eyelets!! They will fit snugly on any width of 'pole/chopstick' & then I just use Red Nail Polish to varnish them (I use strong braid to tie them on) & protect the binding.

They will catch fish, no worries!!


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I use small brass safety pins. Pull the pointy end back on itself to make a straight line with the circle part in the centre and cut off the other end (clasp) then bind on then epoxy then paint........

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