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Success from the shore


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Went out to Manly and decided to target some fish… The day started off rather frustrating as the initial plan was to get some livies, then target the king fish that I know always appear while trying to get the livies. Needless to say the yellowtail / squid did not respond to any offerings as neither were around. And well after being teased by two schools of kingfish I guess it was just not supposed to be. I had a fresh squid head from last week out but the king fish weren’t interested and also tried the lure thing… For a brief moment one kingie did stop to have a look but decided to carry on and catch up with his other mates. Anyway everything was pretty much dead quiet and while looking into the water I could see large schools of blackfish all feeding off the bottom. Now I know in the past that nothing would really entice those dam blackies so after remembering all those other post in the past on the raider site about targeting those elusive fish, I decided to go foraging for some weed.

So off I went in search for some weed. Well it didn’t take me very long as I had managed to find some in some semi-dried up pools. I am sure that some people nearby must have been thinking what I was doing because I looked like a big kid playing in dirt almost running back to my rods with two hands full of sand and Weed.

So now I have this ball of weed, I decided to setup the rod with a basic float and a single hook wrapped with the weed first cast out and the float drifts slowly past me not even a metre in front of me and I see this beautiful Fish come up to see my offering…. Well I was so amazed at the fish, I didn’t realise that he was actually eating the weed. So quick rebait with weed and do the same drift again this time remembering to take notice of the float rather than the fish. So as you guessed it … up comes Mr Fish again and this time the float is bobbing away and I set the hook. Yay my first ever –black fish. I played the fish… I was using a rather light outfit and well I thought that the fish might have given me more of a fight but needless to say that once I had him on the surface, he did not give me any trouble. Fish weighed in at 1.2kg, Beautiful fish. Well this carried on for an hour still with the float constantly going down but me only being able to convert into one more fish. Also I did lose a lot of fish in the initial hook up. One of the hook-ups resulted in me actually hooking into one of those parasites that live inside the mouths of some fish. The parasite was about 4.5cm and the hook had actually gone right through it’s back. I presume that the fish had my offering and was eating the weed and my hook actually going into the parasite rather than his mouth… resulting in an ugly parasite from the fish for my efforts. Well at least that fish is rid of it for a while.

The rest of the day was rather very quiet with some occasional downs which I still missed. Then Just as I was deciding to pack it in and call it a day, a fellow called Chris came by we started talking. He seemed very clued up on black fish fishing. Well needless to say he convinced me to trying for one last 30 minutes which did result in an extra 45 minutes but not to his fault; I pulled the hook on one other nice fish and also missed numerous takes. Chris was also only down to have a quick look at what was around but had then decided that before he leaves, he would make sure that I have one more fish in my bag. So after a number of tries and I am sure much to Chris’s frustration he finally got me into a fish which he quickly hand landed for me. Just in case I dropped it again hahaha.

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Opps! forgot to say , Thanks Chris... not too sure if you are a rish raider and well Here is my first pic of my blackfish.

Well done and top post Squid Jig!!

Nice healthy looking fish there for all your efforts.

I thought blackfish were tough fighters, well from what I can remember as I haven't caught any for a long time.

Great to see passers buy helping you out too.

Keep up the good work.

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Solid effort for your first shot at blackies... Thats awesome... Where abouts in manly where you fishing im not going to lie would love to have a crack at some landbase Kingies... Great effort again

Cheers SureCatch

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Guest hawkesbass


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Went out to Manly and decided to target some fish… The day started off rather frustrating as the initial plan was to get some livies, then target the king fish that I know always appear while trying to get the livies. Needless to say the yellowtail / squid did not respond to any offerings as neither were around. And well after being teased by two schools of kingfish I guess it was just not supposed to be. I had a fresh squid head from last week out but the king fish weren’t interested and also tried the lure thing… For a brief moment one kingie did stop to have a look but decided to carry on and catch up with his other mates. Anyway everything was pretty much dead quiet and while looking into the water I could see large schools of blackfish all feeding off the bottom. Now I know in the past that nothing would really entice those dam blackies so after remembering all those other post in the past on the raider site about targeting those elusive fish, I decided to go foraging for some weed.

So off I went in search for some weed. Well it didn’t take me very long as I had managed to find some in some semi-dried up pools. I am sure that some people nearby must have been thinking what I was doing because I looked like a big kid playing in dirt almost running back to my rods with two hands full of sand and Weed.

Great work catching the blackfish for your first time :thumbup:

I found they give a good fight on light gear and very nice eating , well done


So now I have this ball of weed, I decided to setup the rod with a basic float and a single hook wrapped with the weed first cast out and the float drifts slowly past me not even a metre in front of me and I see this beautiful Fish come up to see my offering…. Well I was so amazed at the fish, I didn’t realise that he was actually eating the weed. So quick rebait with weed and do the same drift again this time remembering to take notice of the float rather than the fish. So as you guessed it … up comes Mr Fish again and this time the float is bobbing away and I set the hook. Yay my first ever –black fish. I played the fish… I was using a rather light outfit and well I thought that the fish might have given me more of a fight but needless to say that once I had him on the surface, he did not give me any trouble. Fish weighed in at 1.2kg, Beautiful fish. Well this carried on for an hour still with the float constantly going down but me only being able to convert into one more fish. Also I did lose a lot of fish in the initial hook up. One of the hook-ups resulted in me actually hooking into one of those parasites that live inside the mouths of some fish. The parasite was about 4.5cm and the hook had actually gone right through it’s back. I presume that the fish had my offering and was eating the weed and my hook actually going into the parasite rather than his mouth… resulting in an ugly parasite from the fish for my efforts. Well at least that fish is rid of it for a while.

The rest of the day was rather very quiet with some occasional downs which I still missed. Then Just as I was deciding to pack it in and call it a day, a fellow called Chris came by we started talking. He seemed very clued up on black fish fishing. Well needless to say he convinced me to trying for one last 30 minutes which did result in an extra 45 minutes but not to his fault; I pulled the hook on one other nice fish and also missed numerous takes. Chris was also only down to have a quick look at what was around but had then decided that before he leaves, he would make sure that I have one more fish in my bag. So after a number of tries and I am sure much to Chris’s frustration he finally got me into a fish which he quickly hand landed for me. Just in case I dropped it again hahaha.

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