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Ramp Closure


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I have just received an E- Mail which is disturbing to me. I do not know which section this should go in and perhaps the “exec” could move it somewhere more appropriate.

Sutherland Council are seeking submissions on the fitting of a security gate on the Water Street Boat Ramp. Stopping the use of it between the hours of 8pm to 6am.

There is a PDF file asking for interested party’s to reply any concerns.

I think this concerns us all. If one ramp is closed at night where will it stop? I will try to attach the PDF for the appraisal of members.

The notes below are hearsay and I cannot vouch for them but they came with the E-Mail informing me of this document.

I live close by and have never had a problem. There has never been 'misuse' or 'anti social behaviour' as the complainant has conned the Council to believe.

This is all about someone buying a cheap waterfront next to a public boat ramp and suddenly wanting to take away a wonderful community asset to benefit himself!


- Boat Ramp.pdf

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far out that is my local ramp i use it cause im sick of waiting at other ramps and its only 2m away from me i always get park there ect i'll definetly be contesting against the gates and might have to test my 3000lb winch out if they do go ahead :ranting2:

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I just posted one off.

We all need to band together and shout out against this. Because it won't stop at one ramp. Before we know it they will gate every ramp in the Shire. And then other councils will see it and think what a good idea. We'll end up finding gates at most ramps in Sydeny.

Like many nowadays, I work 6 days a week and have a young family. The only time I get to go out for a fish is at night or early in the morning.

Lets stop this from happening.



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for all fishraider who want to do online protest here is the link


Please save our local ramps :thumbup:

stewy u need to help us shire people can u make a sticky for this link or a breaking news we need numbers!!!

Always ready to help the shire fishos out :biggrin2: this thread is now pinned..........GO FOR IT.

Regards Admin

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I have never used the ramp in question, BUT the waterway (and ramp) is a public asset and should be free to be used by the public at any time of day or night.

Hope this does not happen and set a precedent for any others.

Im guessing that some one would be paid to lock and un-lock the gate EVERY day and night of the year too? :ranting2:

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probably those 'less responsable' boaters making loads of noise in the middle of the night whilst launching or retrieving, slamming eskys,car doors shouting directions, reving motors, litter, is there a washdown area? flushing motors. it all seems louder at night. I assume us 'raiders' would go about our business as quietly as possible. thoughts, if there was an emergency, a locked gate could cost a life

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Drummoyne Council did this several years ago after complaints by those that bought Units there knowing the ramp existed due to

the noise from others and not fishos. This has led to those that were causing trouble to go elsewhere and they did, now that has seen

another spot closed off due to both bad behaviour of fishos and other undersirables. A local fishing club stood up for fisho`s at a council meeting

but failed to stop the closure of the ramp at night but did organise a concession for club members with a key to the gate.

I could say more about this in regards to the behaviour of police in this matter but dont think it applicable

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I've sent a reply as this is the ramp I use most of time. The "closed times" would make it impossible to get out on the water before sunrise, or have a late night session.

I've never had any problems at the ramp, so if it is the case of a few idiots causing problems for the local residents, then they should be dealt with by the police for disturbing the peace. All the responsible boaters shouldn't all have to suffer because a few people do the wrong thing.

I encourage all Raiders to send in a reply because if it goes ahead, the same thing might happen at every boat ramp in Sydney.



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A report in yesterdays Leader stated that after community conultation there will be no gates installed at Water Street.

Thats great news all and Fishraider power would have been right up there I reckon :yahoo:

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