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What a session it turned out to be

Basil D

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Chris Pongrass gave me a call to go out fishing wed and said common mate, brush of the cobwebs, your Lebanon Holidays was over three weeks ago, I said ok mate lets do it, mind you if Chris didn't call me I wasn't going, Just couldn't get out of this rut I was in, anyway I rang Chris (kourisma) and asked if he wanted to come along and he said yes without hesitation and cancelled his work schedule for today.

We met Pongrass at 6am his place and off we go cracking jokes on the way.

I was falling asleep, sheeze tell ya what, all of a sudden I cant handle early starts :wacko: I coped heaps from Pongrass and I said dont worry I will wake up.

I reversed the boat into the boat ramp like a snake, I was totally out of it :wacko: anyway boat and out to the heads we went and first up we wanted to hit the squid but conditions didnt allow it so headed out to Bait bay and tried our luck there for snapper, Guess what, not a bad spot.

we anchored and Burlied and about an hour into it the snapper came on just on the turn of low tide, we smashed it for that two hour period snaring 7 snapper and some reefies.

First up my snapper then kourisma got and said mine is bigger just the ming rings us up and were talking before putting the phone down saying Im on, nice snapper pulled and I said to kourisma mines bigger :biggrin2:

Then pongrass pulled in a 20cm snapper saying oh well, Im on the board, 5 minutes later pongrass;s rod buckles big time, 5 minutes into the fight the Snapper of a lifetime is netted, hi 5;s all round. we ended up with 7 snapper and decided to go for flathead netting 21 fish.

All fish shared to three families and couldnt have asked for a better day, a very Nice welcome back from lebanon and Thanks chris for showing us that great spot just under our noses :thumbup:

We ended going homw and ming and his family met us there but not hide his disapointment as he was supposed to come with us, dont worry ming, next time :thumbup:

The Big Snapper came in at 75cm and 6.5kg Great fish. :thumbup:

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Hi all ,

I have heavily edited this post for reasons known to some of our members and we will leave it at that.

All parties concerned have been spoken to and we have reached a amicable agreement.

Regards Admin

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Nice haul of fish and a cracker of a snapper. Interesting to note it is only the males of the species that get the humps and although snapper are a world wide species it only seems the east coast variety from melbourne to the tweed get the hump. Only question was did you find the fish dry after cooking it?

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Nice haul of fish and a cracker of a snapper. Interesting to note it is only the males of the species that get the humps and although snapper are a world wide species it only seems the east coast variety from melbourne to the tweed get the hump. Only question was did you find the fish dry after cooking it?

Chris pongrass took it home, I haven't asked him how it turned out yet but mine was awesome baked :thumbup:
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Hey Basil and Chris,

I just saw your post today.

I don't know how I could miss it with such a lumpy snapper....

Mate that thing should be called Quasimodo !

I didn't know there was a nuclear reactor somewhere near Bate bay....

How else could that fish get like that.

You should keep that head as a momento. An heirloom perhaps.

Make a bike helmet out of it....

I won't make any rude jokes about the head or the hump - I don't want to have to be spoken to as well.

Seriously what did you guys get up to, such that you had to be heavily edited ?

Check out the sea in the photos - flat as a tack - just the way I like it.

I'm amazed that Basil was able to stay awake long enough to bait a hook with his sleep deprivation and such a calm sea...

I'm also glad to see that this big snapper didn't make a hole in the net like Chris's last big king did...

Well done on a cracker trip.


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