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A word of warning


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I was reading an article in the St. Geaorge Leader last week regarding fishing licences. There was a quote in the article from the Primary Industries Minister Catarina Hodgkinson reminding people that fisheries inspectors will be "out in force" checking anglers have licences and checking bag limits. So far so good, I think that's great to see. She then stated that not having a licence carries a fine of $200. Fair enough everyone knows so no problem there. She then adds having a licence but not being in possession of it at the time carries a fine of $75. Now if I'm fishing around Sydney I would generally drive to a location therefore need my drivers licence and therefore have my wallet but just thinking particularly when on holidays the number of time I have just walked down to a wharf or beach and leave my wallet at home. Now I'm not sure how strict these inspectors will be and wether warnings will be issued as opposed to fines but I found it particularly interesting that she highlighted this point in what was otherwise a very brief article.

Just something to keep in mind.

Edited by boattart
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haha out in force just checking the people that can speak english.......was down lake illawarra a few years ago fishing next to a group/family of 10 or so asian background people. was disgusted that the fisheries officer in uniform harassed me to produce my licence then proceded to walk directly past the group next to me. chances were that there was an individual in that group with no licence at all.

im no racist by any means, just thought that was a bit of farce that he didnt even acknowledge the other group.


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I'd just like to repaet, I'm not critical of inspectors and wish there were more of them. There is no point having laws if they aren't enforced. I simply posted this as a warning to those people that may leave there licence at home in a drawer when they fish.

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from my experience (and i will say i'm very pro inspectors and believe in bag and size limits)they are more interested in targeting people in boats a year or so ago i was getting bait at west head and had them come along side and do a check.. not a problem showed them my licence, they asked to check my esky no problem only had drink and bait in there told them i have a under floor kill tank which only had ice then they asked to check it and my live bait tank no dramas, had about 10 yakka and was after a few move then would be heading out side. They were all good with this and seemed like like top guys :thumbup: i suggested they might like to head over a palm beach ferry wharf (i'd been ther squidding about a hr earlier) and i had witnessed people catching what looked like under sized bream. I must add i was really nice about it.. to the point of "if you guys are after a easy target" (ie trying to help them out) with that the mood changed and they started up about how they could fine me here and now for having to many rods rigged.... which i did but there was no way i would be using them all at the same time... my rigged rods ranged from a 24kg (penn 50)rigged for shark all the way down to a rod rigged for squid.

They didn't fine me but having said that they head off in the opposite direction to the wharf 3minutes away where there was illegal fishing going on.

Bottom line I know no-one likes "to be told how to do their job" (and i don't think that how i came across)but in their job i'd class that as a tip-off and act on it.

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haha out in force just checking the people that can speak english.......was down lake illawarra a few years ago fishing next to a group/family of 10 or so asian background people. was disgusted that the fisheries officer in uniform harassed me to produce my licence then proceded to walk directly past the group next to me. chances were that there was an individual in that group with no licence at all.

im no racist by any means, just thought that was a bit of farce that he didnt even acknowledge the other group.


would it make you feel better if that group consists of aussies only?

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Some disgretion needs to be taken by authorities for things like rigged rods. Ok, it is obvious if you have more than three being used at one time or more than three rods rigged for the exact same purpose. Then it is clear that there is intention to have more than three rods being used simultaneously.

It is another if some tool wants to book you for having more than three rods on board, all rigged for different purposes. I like being organised and well prepared on the water. Apart from personal preference, the authorities encourage adequate preparation too. It is total BS they have any right to book you when you have rods rigged and ready to go for a multitude of purposes. I would see them in court just to prove a point.

That rule is pretty stupid anyways. Regardless if you have 1 rod or 10 rods, the same bag limits and size limits apply.

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haha out in force just checking the people that can speak english.......was down lake illawarra a few years ago fishing next to a group/family of 10 or so asian background people. was disgusted that the fisheries officer in uniform harassed me to produce my licence then proceded to walk directly past the group next to me. chances were that there was an individual in that group with no licence at all.

im no racist by any means, just thought that was a bit of farce that he didnt even acknowledge the other group.


ooh ... reverse racism sux huh.

maybe you should have gotten the inspectors names and reported them

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I've been fishing the hacking both boat and landbased for over 20 years, never yet seen one of these mythical beasts known as fishing inspectors down there. Only time i have ever encountered one was on a family trip to the Hawksbury about five years back. Considering what you see happening time and time again on our jetties i WISH they would show up in force but somehow i suspect they will remain as elusive as that 30kg Jew with my name on it.


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I was in Manning Point last week and they were indeed out in force. I was pulled over on the Manning River and my license was in my other tackle box back at camp. The chap was good enough to allow me 14 days to produce the license which I did today. No fines were given.


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Thanks for everyone's input.

It is up to YOU to make sure you know the rules and laws of fishing, inspectors are just doing their job. The powers above them tell them what they can and can't do and if they need police with them for certain areas due to assaults.

Recreational fishing rules and regulations LINK

The above has everything YOU should know, otherwise face risk of fines.

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