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Where is ur burley bucket?


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Hi all,

Just wanted to know where everyone else had there burley bucket. I have a pod on the rear transom which reduces space and i wouldnt have a clue where to fit it. Ive been looking all over the internet to see if i could find examples of ones fitted to this type of transom, but everyone i see doesn't have a bucket fitted. I have included some pics. Has anyone who has a pod similar to this fitted a burley bucket on it without any issues? Im thinking of fitting it to the right hand side, but most buckets are around the 400mm mark which make them too long (im guessing i have to clear the bottom of the hull so i dont get a rooster tail).


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you could mount the bracket on a bracket, or have one made up so its removable. Design it so that you can slot it in place and lift to remove. I'm picturing a simple holder against the hull under your ladder, with a backbone that attaches to the bracket and slides in to the hull fitting.

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I use a bit of rope to a burley bucket and hang it over the side. When I am done, I just pull it up, put it in a bucket and I am done. Beauty is, I can clean it, leave it home or pull it out when the cootas turn up.

Tried this method, but you can't to smash up the pillies. Its just easier with a bucket and a stick. Plus you dont need to remember to pull the bucket back in, done that a few times aswell.

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Puregeek You have a bit of a space problem with the ladder on on side & accessories on the other but perhaps this may be of assistance. It pivots on a pin so when traveling it swings up & the bottom skims across the water


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Edited by Geoff
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Puregeek You have a bit of a space problem with the ladder on on side & accessories on the other but perhaps this may be of assistance. It pivots on a pin so when traveling it swings up & the bottom skims across the water


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Hi Geoff,

Is that your boat? Would this be the bucket im looking for?


Seems to protrude out a little to allow for the pivot.

Also, thats a nice bait board. Does it have the live bait tank built in?? How do you find it?


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Hi Geoff,

Is that your boat? Would this be the bucket im looking for?


Seems to protrude out a little to allow for the pivot.

Also, thats a nice bait board. Does it have the live bait tank built in?? How do you find it?


The boat belongs to Humesy (Andrew).

The bucket in the photo looks like the unit but check with Andrew , I think he purchased it from Whitworths.

The bait board is a brand called Baitmate. This particular unit includes a live bait tank & a drawer

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When installed , we included a deck wash outlet

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This is my setup. I acutally had to make a whole new burley bucket due to my bro in law forgettin to put the pin from the bracket! :ranting2: Some pvc tube and aluminium does wonders :thumbup: I actually can slide my bucket fully out of the water or too a preset deep where i put some SS screws in it also holds the bucket in the bracket without sliding down and find a new home on the bottom of the sea bed. again!

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