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Iron Cove fishing with the kids


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Hello Raiders,

This is my first fishing report and I'm fairly new to this site so please go easy on me :unsure:

Firstly, I must say this is a top sight and it's great to see so many experienced fishos with years and even decades of experience sharing knowledge so freely. Special thanks to Brickman (Gary) for the great tips you have given me on this site :thumbup:

Last week I decided to have some one on one time with my young daughter so I decided to take her land based fishing behind the old Rozelle Hospital in Iron Cove. Her brother who usually comes along was unfortunately sick at the time and stayed home with mum. This is the area of the Cove that Jewgaffer mentioned in one of his many highly informative posts when he was helping out a Fellow Raider with land based fishing spots .... thanks so much Jewgaffer for sharing your spot :thumbup:

Anyway we got there late afternoon on a low tide threw out a berley bucket and things were quiet at first with the odd small bite every now and then and my little girl already wanting to go home as there was little action but as the tide started to come in a little things picked up and bites became more frequent resulting in more interest from her :) We were using a small pillie fillet under a floatie with no weight eagerly watching in anticipation for the floatie to be sucked under by something (big of course). Then all of a sudden the floatie disappeared under and I told her to quickly wind up some line to get it tight and set the hook and next thing she's onto a nice flathead 38cm :1clap: With all the excitement and with this post in mind a remembered to take a quick snap on my mobile and we sent Mr Flathead on his way to fight another day. Sorry for the rather poor quality of photos as the camera in my phone is not that good ....


Very next cast the floatie disappeared under again and we could'nt believe it and next thing she's onto another nice flathead. At first I thought it was the exact same one that we had just released but upon closer inspection it was 1cm longer than the first one and went 39cm :1clap: Another quick snap while using my pen torch as a flash in the quickly fading light and we send him on his way.


This is what we caught from the same spot using bread under a floatie a few weeks back that went 33cm .....


All fish released to grow bigger, produce little ones and to hopefully provide other parents the memorable experience of catching fish with their kids.

With the sun setting on the red horizon we headed back home all smiles and my little girl had a tale for show and tell at school the next day with illustrations to go with it :yahoo:

All in all a lovely afternoon and a wonderful way for a parent to spend some quality time with their kids.

All the best


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fantastic post ,luv to see a kid smile when they get a fish :thumbup: ,i have my sons 1st fish a (tailor) in the boat off cockatoo island and have had it on my wall for ten years lol,now hes 13 and wants it gone but i just luv it lol.

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well done ian looks like the food chain afect is starting to work and the smile on your daughters face is priceless fishing with dad is something she will tell her kids about remember to peel the prawns :biggrin2:

i get a reel buzz helping people get onto some fish and to me thats what fishraider is all about cheers and it wo'nt be long before you have that spot sussed

ps you should enter catch off the month as it's not always about the fish size a good read and kids fishing will often get more votes than big fish looking forward to many more fishing reports mate good luck gary

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Good one Ian, not only are you showing/teaching your little drop of sunshine a great sport and pastime but also the pleasure of catch and release is priceless.

I agree with you regards this site, just about every week I learn something from it. The posters are all too willing to share their experiences and knowledge and that's what makes it the best on the net. ( My opion :thumbup: )

Regards Jeff

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well done Ian, great report, as already said, sitting on the edge of the water, time with your kids, doesn't get much better,no rat race to contend with & catching fish as well !! :thumbup: I am surprised that you caught some flatties under a float (did I read that right).

Keep em coming.


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Thanks heaps for your replies guys..... what a great site this is, there is so much to learn about fishing and I don't think you could find a better source of information anywhere. Fishing with your kids or even other people's kids for that matter is such a rewarding experience. And sharing with them my limited yet rapidly increasing fishing knowledge thanks to this site makes it even more rewarding.

Yes Gary, the food chain affect certainly is working... thanks mate :thumbup:

And yes, the flatties were caught under a float and at first I was surprised as well, but it was just after low tide and the water was not that deep maybe 1.5m and I set it so that the bait would be just off the bottom maybe 30cm and the flatties pounced on it. Adding a float to the rig when fishing with kids intensifies the excitement level when it gets sucked under :1yikes:

And to top it off releasing the fish back into the water and seeing them swim off while waving good bye to them with your young kids is just as rewarding as catching them :thumbup:

Thanks once again


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