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Bass hitting surface lures


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I was recently given a pair of video camera sunglasses, which I thought might be useful on the odd fishing trip.

I've recently posted a couple of reports on bass fishing in my local creek, so rather than repeat more of the same, I've put a short video together.

The sunglass camera is only 3MP, so the clarity is average, but hopefully you'll find the video watchable. (The quality is much better in bright daylight, which is typically not when the bass are on the surface...You may notice I need to look lower as well :biggrin2: )

The fishing has been really consistent over the past two months in the creek.

The main difference I have noticed in the past month is the fish have really started taking to surface lures.

I have caught them on Jitterbugs, Jittermouse, Teeny Torpedos, Tiny Torpedos and my favourite, soft shell cicadas.

My hookup ratio seems to be one hookup for every three strikes.

The video was taken about two weeks ago. I fished the creek again this week after the recent heavy rains. The water level, as expected, was much higher, much dirtier and flowing really fast. I found that I still caught fish but those caught this week were really small.

Can't wait for the weather to dry up and warm up again!

Hope you enjoy.

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Great report mate!

I've thought about getting the camera sunnies but my issue with them is the fact that the camera will obviously go where ever my head turns, which means if im after good footage i cant really stay alert and look around or check out any scenery. Do you find you have that issue?


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Great report mate!

I've thought about getting the camera sunnies but my issue with them is the fact that the camera will obviously go where ever my head turns, which means if im after good footage i cant really stay alert and look around or check out any scenery. Do you find you have that issue?


Hey Musty,

You're spot on the mark. I found I was conciously trying to keep my head still, whilst moving my eyes. To be honest it was a bit of a pain, and there were several fish I "edited" out because my head movement would make you dizzy! However, they are what they are, and I'll use them again. I'm hoping to get some action of kingfish nailing a surface lure on them. Much easier than using the handycam. I just can't find good crew who'll put a rod down and use the handycam when fish are on the surface!

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