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Prawning at the Entrance


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Hi Guys

Question does anyone know when is the best time to go prawing this summer at the entrance. I know its the dark of the moon on the runout tide but i have no idea what the dark of the moon is or when it is on moon calenders it shows full moon, new moon, half quarter etc

I want to take my kids out for a prawn but i want it to be the most productive time so they are not discouraged to go again.


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Hi Guys

Question does anyone know when is the best time to go prawing this summer at the entrance. I know its the dark of the moon on the runout tide but i have no idea what the dark of the moon is or when it is on moon calenders it shows full moon, new moon, half quarter etc

I want to take my kids out for a prawn but i want it to be the most productive time so they are not discouraged to go again.


New moon and run out tide, be a couple of weeks.

There are prawns still if you walk the weed beds and have patience.

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It can take a while to learn and have success. Hopefully these few tips will help shorten the learning process for you. I must admit I leant a few of these things the hard way.

* The new moon is the "dark" or "no moon" period. However, I learnt pretty ealy on that, at The Entrance, it takes about 2 1/2 to 3 hours for the tide to actually turn around and start flowing out. For example if high tide is said to be 9:00pm on your tide chart then it will actually be midnight by the time the water is running out to sea and you can start prawning. Your kids might be asleep by this time.

* Articles I've read say that you can catch prawns starting from about 5-7 days after the full moon. This makes sense since during this time the moon doesn't even rise until about midnight anyway and there is about 3 hours of pitch black darkness with a runout tide.

* Personally, my most succesful outings have been about 2 days before the new moon. That said it could be more child friendly to go about 6 to 8 days before when the high tide is about 5 or 6 in the afternoon (at Fort Denison) and well and truly running out by the time it's dark. If you wait until 2 or 3 days after the New Moon then the water won't be flowing out until well after midnight and the sun will be up before it is finished

* I have also found that there are more prawns when there are less people. In January at somewhere like the Entrance there are usually so many people standing in the water with lights that it must seem like broad daylight to the prawns and I reckon they must stay in the sand and wait for a real "dark" night.

* My best months have been February and March. It could just have been because there were less tourists and that the days were shorter and nights longer and therefore a bigger "window" of time to work with.

* Having said all of this, i have still gone "prawning" in the best months, right tide and moon phase. in the middle of the week with no tourists and everything seeming to be perfect but nobody informed the prawns. Sometimes you get a handfull and other times you can't move quick enough to get every prawn that is spotted.

Hope this helps.

Hope you have fun. kids will often have a ball even on the "handful" nights. I have seen middle aged men go completely stupid, madly shouting and running around after a single prawn. It seems to have that effect on people. I'm just glad nobody called the Police or else they might have thought there was an escapee from the nearest looney bin.

A word of warning!!! There are heaps of fortesques at the Entrance. It is often hard not to end up with one in the net. DO NOT TOUCH THEM AT ALL. EMPTY THEN OUT WITHOUT TOUCHING THEM. They are little docile looking spikey fish that can cause 8 hours of severe pain or worse!


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I got stung by a fortosque last christmas there while prawning out of the boat.The mrs scooped one up accidently thinking it was a prawn,as i went to empty the net with all the prawns, turning the net upside down and into the bucket,i felt a %%%%% into my thumb.I was in some real pain!!all my arm went numb.Had 2 panadols in the boat took them and after a few hours felt a slight relief,though my arm remained numb for a good 3 days.All i can say is lucky the mrs didnt try and empty them.

My oldies have a place up there and I have been prawning there for at least 8 years.

Was was the first time it happened ouch!!!!Carefull

Will be up there again within the next few days.

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I got stung by a fortosque last christmas there while prawning out of the boat.The mrs scooped one up accidently thinking it was a prawn,as i went to empty the net with all the prawns, turning the net upside down and into the bucket,i felt a %%%%% into my thumb.I was in some real pain!!all my arm went numb.Had 2 panadols in the boat took them and after a few hours felt a slight relief,though my arm remained numb for a good 3 days.All i can say is lucky the mrs didnt try and empty them.

My oldies have a place up there and I have been prawning there for at least 8 years.

Was was the first time it happened ouch!!!!Carefull

Will be up there again within the next few days.

I may not be the smartest Angler out there, but it seems that there are a lot of people are getting spiked by these fish. Wouldn't a simple garden glove avoid said injury?

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I may not be the smartest Angler out there, but it seems that there are a lot of people are getting spiked by these fish. Wouldn't a simple garden glove avoid said injury?

just a bit more care taken when handling others catch thats all mate,not a glove.that be annoying

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  • 4 years later...
On 21/12/2011 at 10:53 PM, swordfisherman said:

This has been brought up many times.

Here a few pointers.


Regards Admin

Thanks Swordfisher! that is a useful tread for someone just picking it up.


wow i never knew those fish were so bad. i had a couple in my fish-tank for years and there so placid that you can pick them up, but i never got stung so yeah dogged a bullet HAHA 

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