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Outwide this weekend


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Hi Guys, I am planning on heading out off Sydney this weekend, (sat) and wanted to ask a couple of questions. Although Im not new to the sport, Ive been out of the scene for about 12 months and am keep to get back out there and get into it.

This is my plan:- Out through Sydney and head the the wave rider off Bondi, then shoot straight out the the 12 mile. From there follow the coast up to LongReef. I hear you guys talking about a few spots including the carpark, bait station and the Fads. Am I right in assuming there places are in the vacinity of the 12 mile, or at least in the direction Im heading.

I would be keen for someone to point me in the right direction on this. Being Saturday Im also assuming most of you Guys will be out there at some point. I look forward to some feedback. I intend monitoring the radio channels and believe channel 86 on 27mhz is the channel.


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Also bud , throw the 27 meg in the bin and get a vhf . If you are heading out there the 27 will be useless . Get yourself a vhf radio and you will be far safer as well as being able to chat to all the boats far around. Safety is paramount.

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Sorry mate, Here are a few Co - Ords Sydney East Fad S 33 59' 316'' E 151 20' 951'' , Sydney North Fad S 33 35' 554'' E 151 34' 607''. Yes you go North Eastern to the Bait Station, North Fad , Broken Bay Wide. East Fad is Southern direction from 12 Mile and wider. Hope this helps


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Dont throw the 27 if it works and can run vhf also.. Guys still comunicate out wide on 27. But for safety run a vhf as better range .

The run from 12 to longy wide can produce if yr lucky. Keep eye out for traps and personal fads as they will be loaded with dollies, we cant find a keeper last 2 trips though :( .

Good luck..

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