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Flood water fishing

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After watching all the flood action of the Hawkesbury river , I had to wet a line in some of the flood plain areas of Richmond and Windsor.

The spot that I chose which was well and truley flooded was Phews Lagoon , for those that know this area it holds monster mud suckers i.e Carp.

I took a mate with me and we ended up with 4 fish , the smallest was the size of a foot ball and the biggest is pictured.

This one took a unweighted piece of bread in about 1 meter of water.

The fight was fun and boy do they pull when they know they are hooked.

Lots of laughs had by all and for those that are sick of the weather why not go and give the Carp population a bash.

Might see you down there.



post-507-079459800 1331163588_thumb.jpg

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very good idea, that fish looks like it would put up a good fight! only one problem,

if only i knew HOW to get em...

i was at parra river one day with some light gear and bread. the rig consisted of about 3 meters of 10lb fluro leader uni-knotted to my main line.. then just a size 2 hook with bread compacted so to hide the whole hook. walking around i spotted 2 massive carp swimming along casually. woah.. i stood still and casted about a couple meters in front of them.. one of the carp actually swam towards my bait to check it out... nope. they disappeared! numerous attempts casting blindly into every fishy spot for 2 hours. resulted in nothing. it was middle of day. :wacko:

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very good idea, that fish looks like it would put up a good fight! only one problem,

if only i knew HOW to get em...

i was at parra river one day with some light gear and bread. the rig consisted of about 3 meters of 10lb fluro leader uni-knotted to my main line.. then just a size 2 hook with bread compacted so to hide the whole hook. walking around i spotted 2 massive carp swimming along casually. woah.. i stood still and casted about a couple meters in front of them.. one of the carp actually swam towards my bait to check it out... nope. they disappeared! numerous attempts casting blindly into every fishy spot for 2 hours. resulted in nothing. it was middle of day. :wacko:

No need to hide your hook as they suck the bait in and out of there rubber lips.

The more of the hook that is shown will result in more hook ups.

Keep your bread soft on the hook and not moulded as I have found that if you mould it on they dont seem to be interested as much as soft hooked baits.

You could also try corn.

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Another good way to catch those smelly uneatable fish is take a tin can of corn with you aswell as bread and load a long shank hook with about 6-10 kernels works pretty well and if they are not on the chew corn on bread is not a bad feed while you wait haha not a bad fish that either

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My brother caught a big one in the Shoalhaven while kayaking. An asian guy who was with him cooked it and everyone agreed it was great.

Lots of Aussies seem to have the same recipe for all sorts of fish that they have never eaten.

"take your xxxxx, put in pot with river stones. Cover with water. Boil until river stones are tender. Throw away the xxxxx, eat the stones."

xxxxx = carp, bonito, striped tuna, wrasse, rock cod, etc

Edited by Benzeenees
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I think English people eat Carp as I heard they have a special recipe for such species without tasting the mud flavor.

Cheers, phil

The poor poeple up north and riff raff might,but us from down south dont. :074:

Also people pay big money to fish a well stocked lake or section of river knowing that "Big Bertha" is in there and the last thing the owner wants is someone walking off with a 30lb plus mirror carp.

ps.i here some Aussies eat Australian Salmon...

Edited by wher'd all the fish go
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If you dont mind me asking, where exactly is phews lagoon in hawkesbury?

Im still yet to land my first carp!!

There are a few little ponds and lakes in richmond that seem like they hold carp, any suggestions as to where they would be in high populations around hawkesbury richmond??

Thats a very big carp u had there, sounds like allot of fun, especially on light gear!!

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"Lots of Aussies seem to have the same recipe for all sorts of fish that they have never eaten.

"take your xxxxx, put in pot with river stones. Cover with water. Boil until river stones are tender. Throw away the xxxxx, eat the stones."

xxxxx = carp, bonito, striped tuna, wrasse, rock cod, etc"

The same recipe works well for galahs too!! :biggrin2:

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If you dont mind me asking, where exactly is phews lagoon in hawkesbury?

Im still yet to land my first carp!!

There are a few little ponds and lakes in richmond that seem like they hold carp, any suggestions as to where they would be in high populations around hawkesbury richmond??

Thats a very big carp u had there, sounds like allot of fun, especially on light gear!!

Phews lagoon is also known as the duck ponds down the back of Richmond shops , if you follow the main road down thru the shops and thru the round about you will pass the two duck ponds , you cant miss it.

If that dosent help they are near the Polo Fields.



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I was at Newcastle Fish Co-op last week and they had one of those only bigger for sale in with their other whole fish. I must admit I've never seen that before but who knows. I say that if you know how to prepare it most fish can be eaten quite well. While I love pan-fried flatties and snapper, I also eat Tailor, mullet, jackets and love it. I've tried Bonito done Italian style and it's OK. Aussie salmon is great if you smoke it or do patties. Striped tuna is like steak if you marinate it in some balsamic vinegar and herbs then do it on a hot barbie plate. I've got some shovelnose ray in the freezer from last flathead trip and it's good. Of course don't forget the good fish curry or fish in coconut. I've eaten Red Rocky, Sargeant Baker (very boney but good) and those slippery wrasse or Butcher's #$%^'s as they're otherwise known. I know some people like them but I'm not keen on sweep or Newcastle Bream but I'm certain someone's mother can turn them into something good.

While at the coop there were a couple of blokes from our multi-cultural society buying up a whole heap of yakkas and my guess is they weren't destined for bait. Mind you I settled for a kilo of Blue-eyed Trevalla and $20.00 worth of Medium King Prawns. mmmmmm yummmmyy. I also grabbed a kilo of lollipop sized local fresh squid. Some I froze whole and some I only froze the heads and ate the tubes. The frozen stuff is kingy bait first chance I have to get out, hopefully tomorrow weather permitting.

I once saw a hungry man try to eat a Galah while we were on a pig chasing expedition at Yetman near Goondiwindi. Very grey, very bad and very funny. Silly bugger couldn't shoot a duck.

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Damn, why cant I have that sort of luck. I just went down and tried out Pughs Lagoon. I tried a few places in the lagoon (one of which looks like your photo) and nothing, not a bite.

There were some other people fishing the "other" lagoon, about 10 or 11 rods in total in the water, i watched them for a while, but they wern't having much luck either.

....the quest for Carp continues.

(Carp caught to date = 0)

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Carp also take flies as well. Ive had success with big grey wets, and small white minnow ones that sort of resemble bread. Fish them slow. Also burley up with bread and you could try dry flies.

BTW Bonito is one of my favourite fish to eat and Australian Salmon isnt bad, ive also eaten carp overseas and it is nice if prepared correctly.


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Bonito is great sashimi ! Don't freeze it, just use kikoman sushi soy sauce and wasabi an it's perfect! Goes a bit chewy when you cook it poaching would probably keep the flesh delicate.

Awesome fish btw mate would have been a fun fight getting it landed !

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