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Whats On This Weekend ? 2/3

Ken A

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Ok everyone what's the plans for this coming weekend?

Wetting a line or busy with other things ?

I won't be fishing. The passage is flooded out from all the rain & if it was any dirtier you could plow it. Be a week before it's any good.

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I hope to get out early on Saturday for a :1fishing1: around the wharfs of Walsh Bay. I think the rain that will keep you at home this weekend Ken, may have just arrived in Syd. It's been raining here all night, very welcome though. The wharfs have shelter so only the :wife: will prevent me and the boy's from gettin out. Is it still rainin up there and what other :1fishing1: options are available to you if you get that uncontrollable urge.

Regards Russ

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Sitting here on Queenscliff headland with the house about to get blown over I wouldn't be going out there today. 7 metre seas! :1yikes:

The Black Pig has been in dry dock at Bobbin Head and is now ready to be picked up. But there is NO way on God's earth I am bringing it back to Sydney harbour in this weather! :1badmood:

And I am off to sunny Brisvegas for the weekend to watch the Wallabies give it to the Frenchmen! This will be three weeks in a row without fishing. :ranting2:

Lets just hope the seas are calmer next weekend!



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Sitting here on Queenscliff headland with the house about to get blown over I wouldn't be going out there today. 7 metre seas!  :1yikes:

The Black Pig has been in dry dock at Bobbin Head and is now ready to be picked up. But there is NO way on God's earth I am bringing it back to Sydney harbour in this weather!  :1badmood:

And I am off to sunny Brisvegas for the weekend to watch the Wallabies give it to the Frenchmen! This will be three weeks in a row without fishing.  :ranting2:

Lets just hope the seas are calmer next weekend!




GDay Captain, :biggrin2: What was the end result with the transducer.


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Is it still rainin up there and what other 1fishing1.gif options are available to you if you get that uncontrollable urge.

Its pouring rain here still & is supposed to be raining the rest of the day. With the rain we have had in the last 48 hours & gale force winds the only option left for me is watching DVD's or maybe stripping & cleaning my bream spinning gear for the 2nd time in 2 days :( I'm bored !

Welcome to Queensland - beautiful one day perfect the next!

Thursday until midnight:  NE winds 20/30 knots, reaching 30/40 knots south of Cape Moreton, chiefly in offshore waters. Winds gradually easing from the north during the day. Seas to 4 metres but gradually abating. Rain areas and isolated thunderstorms gradually easing.
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Guest Jocool
I plan to take Joe out on the Harbour on saturday before he goes totally stir crazy from lack of fishing.  But gee - the weather sure needs to improve.


Are you piking out on me Pete???? :badair: Bad form mate! :thumbdown: The fish are wet...It won't matter if we are!!!!! :wacko:

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After a big win last week the Scone Brumbies are looking the goods but this weekend is the local darby with arch rivals Muswellbrook. There is no love lost between the two clubs so it will a tuogh match. But it should be a great game of rugby. GO BRUMBIES

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The weather is looking pretty average for the weekend. All going well I might get out for a flick on Saturday arvo.

If this rain keeps up it might be an at home weekend. I have got a couple of rods that need building and a new sounder to be installed so it wont be a complete waste.

Have a good one all

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Guest Jocool

Looks like me and Pedro will be tormenting the fish somewhere! :074:

Let it be known, that if Pedro Pikes out on me, and is going to be a woos about the weather, I will be going to his place to show him how bad I am with a fly rod! :1prop::1prop:

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with this weather and what is forecast for the next few days, mimi and i will be staying home and doing housework. The highlight will be going down to Woolies and doing the shopping---Not!


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Packing to depart on our trip north on Sunday - winds & rain and flood warnings wherever I planned to stay and fish. I hope the Claence clears for next week or else I will be forced to hit the beach and see if any jewies are hanging out waiting for the brown water to dissipate.

Ken - you need to get out and clean up the passage ready for when I arrive!!

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Was planning to fish but between the weather & David ( Mottyman) having the flu have cancelld out.

Will need to sit down with a drink or three & work out plan B

Have a good one


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GDay Captain, :biggrin2: What was the end result with the transducer. 



G'Day Russ,

the end result was that I decided on a Lowrance x107cdf but they didn't bloody have one in the country. I have ordered one but I still can't find out whether I should go for the "shoot thru the hull" option. I have confirmed that the only place it could go is in one of the engine bays and I don't know if that is a good option.

Someone has suggested that there is a bracket you can buy to mount on the back of your boat that allows you to retract the sounder from the water when it's not in use. I might check this out as it might solve my problem.



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I have had a job lined up to do for a bloke that has been shelved for the last three weeks due to favourable fishing conditions and have now run out of time , so rain hail or shine its work for me on saturday at least. Will be fishing sunday at W entworth falls lake if the weather is not too bad! :1badmood:

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Guest fishrunner

Planning on hittin the harbour on sunday with jewel, hopefully wether will be ok :1prop: . The rains no drama's as long as its not blowin birds backwards we'll be out there.

cheers and goodluck

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I get to go for a fish yeehar!!.Looks like the Hawkesbury will be the option on this fine weekend.Will be on my mates Bar crusher agian,this time out from apple tree ,probably go and pump a few nippers ,pick up a livey or 6 and settle down at Gunyah and wait for the 1730 high.With the fresh water thats coming out and the tides looking reasonable, should work.


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Hiya guys, Driving to work today every waterway I crossed was brown as a cup of coffee. Goon was high and dirty, Middle Harbour at Spit was chocolate milkshake, even crossing the coat hanger you could se the colour in the water. On the coast there's 6-8ft of pumping North groundswell and water is filthy at DY beach from run off. Jewie anyone?

Hey Ken, a dirty back passage is not nice :1prop: hope it cleans up soon. Was looking at aerial pics of GC here at work and my there's a fair bit of water on the gound.....

Cheers Bombie

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Not doin' much. :05:

Tomorrow is vacant for a "just in case" situation. :1naughty::1fishing1:

Sunday I'll probably go for a drive to Penrith and surrounds, have a feed, drop in at ABA and spend some more cash.

Other than that it's a pretty quiet weekend.

No pub on Saturday either due to this darn head cold I have :1crybaby:, mind you, it won't stop me from fishing in the 'arvo if I feel the need to get out of the house.

Have a good one Raiders. :thumbup:



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