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Great land based weekend


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This one is for all your land based fishos!

I don't own a boat and hate rock fishing so thought I would try Roseville brige this weekend.

I normally fish Narrabeen but needed a change and was keen to give the chicken parmie a go too.

As it turned out I slept it out and missed the Roseville tide, doh!

After doing the household chores I had a couple of hours to spare so headed to my fave flatty spot in Narrabeen.

Was a beautiful afternoon but fairly quiet and a little windy.

Two hours later the sun was going down and I had zero except a few hits.

It was at this stage I started making promises to myself and in desperation thought "If I get a keeper I'll throw it back"

Another few casts and whack! onto a nice 40cm flatty.

True to my word I put him back and returned to flick that same spot again.

First cast followd an even bigger Whack and bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

After a few runs I managed to beach a 55cm flatty.

Being 100m out with no net I literally had to walk him back to beach it, I was sweating!

With the sun setting I returned home thinking "would I had caught that second fish if I hadnt returned the first???"

The mind wobbles!

Sunday morning I woke up on time and set off to Roseville with my Parmie chicken.

My Mrs telling me I was "fooking mad" (shes irish) for using chicken.

Baited up my 10lb bait rig and let the chicken soak while I setup mu SP rod.

Almost immediately I was getting hits and landed a few small bream.

I spotted a nice eddy forming but couldn't cast far enough with the heavier 10lb line.

Being the lazy s**t I am I decided to put some chicken on my trusty 6lb SP outfit in an attempt to cast further.

Yes thats right I put parmie chicken onto a 3/0 1/4oz TT jig head!

First cast and bullseye slap bang in the eddy next to the barnacles, beauty this was looking good.

Let it sink, sink, sink.........tap tap tap BANG!

Dead weight at first and the 3kg rod buckled over.

Gave the rod a lift and bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

My little Okuma Trio was singing!

Backed off the drag a little and gave her some run thinking it could be a jew.

The line headed towards the barnacles and I thought it was all over red rover.

Tightened the drag, turned its head and got a few reels in but was off again.

That Okuma Trio surely sings a sweet note!

Managed to get some line in and after a few more short bursts I saw the big blue lips.

Had no net but swung it in and was cheering (on my own) with everyone else looking at me.

A passer by came over and took a photo, this was easily my PB bream.

He returned 10 min later with his mate who had a lip grip and measure.

She went 43cm and 1.6kg!

On that note I packed up and went home as I couldn't have topped that.

In all honesty a little piece of me wishes I put the big girl back.

BUT I was out for a feed and I got that and then some.

Cooked her up with fennel, white wine and spring onion stuffing. YUM YUM!

Sorry for the long winded story but have put in so many hours lately.

GREAT to see it finally pay off following the tides and 'laws' for each species of fish.

Thanks for reading, and remember no boat no worries!



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This one is for all your land based fishos!

I don't own a boat and hate rock fishing so thought I would try Roseville brige this weekend.

I normally fish Narrabeen but needed a change and was keen to give the chicken parmie a go too.

As it turned out I slept it out and missed the Roseville tide, doh!

After doing the household chores I had a couple of hours to spare so headed to my fave flatty spot in Narrabeen.

Was a beautiful afternoon but fairly quiet and a little windy.

Two hours later the sun was going down and I had zero except a few hits.

It was at this stage I started making promises to myself and in desperation thought "If I get a keeper I'll throw it back"

Another few casts and whack! onto a nice 40cm flatty.

True to my word I put him back and returned to flick that same spot again.

First cast followd an even bigger Whack and bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

After a few runs I managed to beach a 55cm flatty.

Being 100m out with no net I literally had to walk him back to beach it, I was sweating!

With the sun setting I returned home thinking "would I had caught that second fish if I hadnt returned the first???"

The mind wobbles!

Sunday morning I woke up on time and set off to Roseville with my Parmie chicken.

My Mrs telling me I was "fooking mad" (shes irish) for using chicken.

Baited up my 10lb bait rig and let the chicken soak while I setup mu SP rod.

Almost immediately I was getting hits and landed a few small bream.

I spotted a nice eddy forming but couldn't cast far enough with the heavier 10lb line.

Being the lazy s**t I am I decided to put some chicken on my trusty 6lb SP outfit in an attempt to cast further.

Yes thats right I put parmie chicken onto a 3/0 1/4oz TT jig head!

First cast and bullseye slap bang in the eddy next to the barnacles, beauty this was looking good.

Let it sink, sink, sink.........tap tap tap BANG!

Dead weight at first and the 3kg rod buckled over.

Gave the rod a lift and bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

My little Okuma Trio was singing!

Backed off the drag a little and gave her some run thinking it could be a jew.

The line headed towards the barnacles and I thought it was all over red rover.

Tightened the drag, turned its head and got a few reels in but was off again.

That Okuma Trio surely sings a sweet note!

Managed to get some line in and after a few more short bursts I saw the big blue lips.

Had no net but swung it in and was cheering (on my own) with everyone else looking at me.

A passer by came over and took a photo, this was easily my PB bream.

He returned 10 min later with his mate who had a lip grip and measure.

She went 43cm and 1.6kg!

On that note I packed up and went home as I couldn't have topped that.

In all honesty a little piece of me wishes I put the big girl back.

BUT I was out for a feed and I got that and then some.

Cooked her up with fennel, white wine and spring onion stuffing. YUM YUM!

Sorry for the long winded story but have put in so many hours lately.

GREAT to see it finally pay off following the tides and 'laws' for each species of fish.

Thanks for reading, and remember no boat no worries!



nice report and solid catches, congratz on your pb bream! :thumbup: well deserved

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Looks like a tasty dinner to me! But fish makes up about 40% of my diet.

Old chicken parmi eh? Interesting to say the very least, especially on a jig head hehehe. I think you are onto something there mate. The size of the fish doesn't lie! That is a good bream in anyone's language. It feels good when the time put in pays off. Well done.


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Appreciate the kind words all.

Still re running that catch in my head, those barnacles certainly had me worried.

I can only imagine what a Jew or king must feel like!

Was a beautiful fish, never seen big blue lips like it and dark black fins.

Did her justice though we are both stuffed and now the mrs believes in the parmie chicken!

Can't beat the light gear for a buzz, I really need to buy a second graphite rod.

As for the chicken well it clearly is very effective, especially on a jig head. Lol

Read your report Mack attack,, great job on the Rosie jew.

look out I'll be out chasing the Jews soon! ;)

Edited by tasksta
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Hey Paul,

What a great read.

I make promises to myself as well.

I say "If I catch a fish now, it's gonna go int the esky".

"..and so will the second one..." :biggrin2:

And I certainly keep my word, and my fish...

Mate when you brought that blue-nose bream to your wife did she say "Fook, what a big fooking fesh" ?

And after tasting the fist bite, did she say "That's fooking nayce thut iz" ?

Seriously I love an accent - very cute.

Well she will be buying the jig heads and the chook fillets for you in future, won't she ?

Only problem is they begin to EXPECT catches like that from us EVERY time.

The pressure then builds up in us to provide fish like that, to the point we begin to PANIC when the trip approaches it's finish and there is no whoppa in the bag.

Then we get that big hit at the eleventh hour and we make that desperate WOOP sound, like we just avoided a fate worse than death....

....only to see the line making for the barnacles !

We thought we knew what being under pressure was, until we tighten that drag and it makes no difference on the rampaging fish.....


The mind certainly wobbles...or even boggles....unsure which one is happening..

Well, it COULD happen, but lets not worry about it.

Lets just enjoy our fishing - no pressure...

Pass me a strip of the chicken parmie would you ?

There's a nice eddy forming again....right over there near the those barnacles....

Oh NO - Here we Gooooooo........


Edited by Keflapod
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Cracker story.

Parmie chicken? The fish are getting into the gourmet food. Dining out in style under the setting sun. :mfr_lol:

My uncle used to tell me to use cheese and chicken 15 odd years ago. :secret:

I thought he was a crazy, :risata: looks like it’s the reverse. :insane:

I’ll be definitely giving it a go next time.

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ive used chicken mixed with fine grated parmasan cheese,garlic, and olive oil for years.caught all sorts bream flathead snapper.Just strip the chicken, put it in a freezer bag, pour in a bit of oil, handfull of cheese, spoon of garlic and mix it up..Usually out fishes anything the servos sell, and we have them in the kitchen all the time.. :thumbup:

Give it a go, if it doesnt work BBQ the leftovers :biggrin2:

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ive used chicken mixed with fine grated parmasan cheese,garlic, and olive oil for years.caught all sorts bream flathead snapper.Just strip the chicken, put it in a freezer bag, pour in a bit of oil, handfull of cheese, spoon of garlic and mix it up..Usually out fishes anything the servos sell, and we have them in the kitchen all the time.. :thumbup:

Give it a go, if it doesnt work BBQ the leftovers :biggrin2:

Ive got big bream on garlic prawns. Maybe the fish are developing a taste for it?

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Hey Paul,

What a great read.

I make promises to myself as well.

I say "If I catch a fish now, it's gonna go int the esky".

"..and so will the second one..." :biggrin2:

And I certainly keep my word, and my fish...

Mate when you brought that blue-nose bream to your wife did she say "Fook, what a big fooking fesh" ?

And after tasting the fist bite, did she say "That's fooking nayce thut iz" ?

Seriously I love an accent - very cute.

Well she will be buying the jig heads and the chook fillets for you in future, won't she ?

Only problem is they begin to EXPECT catches like that from us EVERY time.

The pressure then builds up in us to provide fish like that, to the point we begin to PANIC when the trip approaches it's finish and there is no whoppa in the bag.

Then we get that big hit at the eleventh hour and we make that desperate WOOP sound, like we just avoided a fate worse than death....

....only to see the line making for the barnacles !

We thought we knew what being under pressure was, until we tighten that drag and it makes no difference on the rampaging fish.....


The mind certainly wobbles...or even boggles....unsure which one is happening..

Well, it COULD happen, but lets not worry about it.

Lets just enjoy our fishing - no pressure...

Pass me a strip of the chicken parmie would you ?

There's a nice eddy forming again....right over there near the those barnacles....

Oh NO - Here we Gooooooo........


Tony I read this post in a meeting today and almost had a fit, very funny!

Agree with every word you said, spirit if a true fisherman for sure.

As for the Mrs it was more like "jaysus theres no fooking room in the bleedin' fridge for that!"

I was like "Vegies have to go babe, put her next to the flatty above the beer".

Its all about priorities!

I think this thread has coined the phrase:

"pass the parmie" instant classic!


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Agree with you all the fish are getting posh with the parmie and the garlic and the like.

Seriously though i think fishos over the years have remained smug in the fact that everyone thought they were mad using chicken.

Unfortunately I think the gig is up and it is becoming mainstream now.

Maybe some more runours are required for it to remain under the cloak of madness?!

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Agree with you all the fish are getting posh with the parmie and the garlic and the like.

Seriously though i think fishos over the years have remained smug in the fact that everyone thought they were mad using chicken.

Unfortunately I think the gig is up and it is becoming mainstream now.

Maybe some more runours are required for it to remain under the cloak of madness?!

yes - pass the parmie may become a catchphrase so lets invent some rumours to prevent the secret getting out to the donutters....

We could say that parmesan cheese contains a bacteria that causes fish to hallucinate.

They think the chook strip is the tip of a giant octopus' tentacle and scare the whole school of bream off.

Never use chook'n'parmie on fish.

Use servo prawns instead - fish love them...

Pass the prawnies....


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