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Fished with a little chrome lure off the rocks at Avoca and hooked up two really nice salmon, fantastic fight, but then each time when I got them to the rocks the line broke as I tried to haul them out. I really need to buy a landing net.

This was just as a huge school was passing by, about 60 metres off shore.


The council opened up the lagoon a few days ago, so I took a rod down there to the entrance last night and cast out a whole pilchard, after a few casts I hooked up to a big salmon, brought him to shore and let him back in the water. Hooked another but broke the line, hooked another and let the line go slack and he got off. and hooked another on the last cast, just using the head of a pilchard, and kept him for dinner because the hook was deep in his gut. There was too much meat on him for just me and dad to eat on our own and we ended up wasting quite a bit which makes me feel guilty. But theyre a beautiful fish and they put up a really sensational fight, jumping clear of the water and that.

I just want to say though that if your fishing in the lake itself, it would be better if you release any sort of estuary fish you get there because when the lake was drained, I went for a kayak around to the back end of the lake and found hundreds of dead baby fish that had got trapped in puddles as the water receded and died as the water in the puddles evaporated, I saw heaps of dead baby bream just a couple of cm long, even a few estuary perch and lots of baby mullet about 5 cm long. I found a few puddles crowded with fish that had still survived and spent most of the day scooping them out and carrying them to the water but there were so many more that died. I reckon just leave the fish there until it gets restocked.

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Did the sambo, wrapped in foil with a bit of veg. oil and lemon juice, on the barbecue. Served with rice. It was good, not the best tasting fish but still pretty nice. only problem was there was too much of it, that one fish could have seriously fed 4 or 5 people. They fight better than they taste, but theyre certainly not bad eating.

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