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Mothers Day quick sess

General Zod

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After a long absent from rock fishing because ive been busy learning on the new boat I decied to do a quick rock hopping session at eastern suburbs ledges with a mate. Got to out spot at 5.30am and and it wasnt that windy yet. Got the jigs out and jigged just before sunlight hit and we managed these 2 squid. Didnt use them as live bait as I promised my niece I would bring some home if i got any. So we begain to spin and my arm got score because I havnt done this for almost 6months. Got no hits so i moved to another spot to try and get some blackfish but only managed this drummer which went 38cm although not that big it went hard. My friend then comes over to tell me that he got a nice size salmon so i leave the luderick fishing in the hope to get a salmon as because my wife can make nice soups out of this under rated fish (not under rated by me thats for sure) only to be disappointed as there were no more bites. The wind by now picked up so we called it a day and headed home before the mums woke up to a windy mothers day.

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Edited by General Zod
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4 ! That's pretty heavy , was there much of a current ?

Thats all that we had. Didnt plan to jigg we had our lure boxes. Luckly he had two jiggs and we were there early so we really couldnt spin in the dark.

Edited by General Zod
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I find if you bleed them instantly AND cut out the blood meat out you can get some huge fillets that are tasty when crumbed and shallow fried.

Absolutely right Tasksta.

I do the same and add some tartare sauce, thinly sliced tomato, shredded lettuce, onion and make it a fishburger to die for.

Very quick and easy to prepare.

If you've got more time and like exotic recipes - can't go past thai fish cakes.

All you have to do is look in the recipe section of this site and you'll be surprised just how good you can make them taste....

Now if I could only work out how to cook them silver morwong.....


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That's a big squid Gen Zod! Salmon in soup taste alright hey, sweet and sour soup? Might give that a go.

What brand was the jig again?

yeah sweet and sour (canh chua ca) and (chao ca) but she adds a bit of fish sauce, salt and sugar, a little bit of saseme oil, shallots not onion, coriander and ginger in the soup which she cuts smaller not like the pic hanging out of the plate. yummm now i want more thinking about it.

jigg was _ mart

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those are Vietnamese recipes...salmon is awesome in the vietnamese style congee...plenty of meat to go round for everyone

General Zod, I was going to join you but the swell looked a bit iffy and given the recent death there I was spooked...

Catch up with you soon mate.


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I find if you bleed them instantly AND cut out the blood meat out you can get some huge fillets that are tasty when crumbed and shallow fried.

:thumbup: x 2

Very nice firm white flesh and suprisingly not fishy at all once all the bloodline is removed.

yeah sweet and sour (canh chua ca) and (chao ca) but she adds a bit of fish sauce, salt and sugar, a little bit of saseme oil, shallots not onion, coriander and ginger in the soup which she cuts smaller not like the pic hanging out of the plate. yummm now i want more thinking about it.

canh chua & chao ...MMMM... now you got me hungry, Viet food is the best. And Fish Sauce makes everything tastier. :biggrin2:

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