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Maybe DON'T eat Basa fillets from supermarkets!


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Hi guys

Has anyone eaten Basa fillets recently? THey are catfish, caught & filleted in Vietnam & imported, frozen into Australia. Check out this video & I bet you won't get them again!


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hmmmm ......We tend to only eat what I catch - but when fish are 'lean', I will buy NZ Hoki from Aldi! I feel more comfortable eating theirs! biggrin2.gif


A friend of Keith's married a Thai lady & they have a 'bream' pond under their house & all THEIR waste goes into the pond - both human and food waste! Not MY idea of healthy eating! It was just last year that people became ill HERE from eating vegetables that had been sprayed with biosolids that had been sold as fertiliser, following 'treatment'! Not enough 'treatment' obviously!



....Solid waste removed from the sewage is turned into biosolids and sent to 20 farms in NSW to enrich soil under a sustainability program...... that is dried POO!!

Edited by Roberta
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Thanks Berta....

I think I will try the Aldo Hoki rather than the Basa from my local deli......

I hear about this stuff from a mate who ordered an elephant fish in Vietnam.

He went to the bathroom and notice the noise of his waste hitting a pool outback.

Turned out that pool was where they got his fish from.......

Cant be good...I think ill give the rest to my dog....or maybe the neighbors cat

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I never eat imported seafood of any type.

Basa fillets, vannamei prawns & any other imports should be banned.

It's important to remember not to use these as bait as well.

Who knows what contanimants they contain that we don't know about?

Glad you posted this Roberta.



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Rather eat the hoki but they use massive super trawlers to catch them there is also a massive blue fin fisherie that has been created from the bluefin feed of the fish that fall out from the nets when there hualed in its amazing to watch it was on a nz fishing show

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Tapatalk 2

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Nothing new here. This has been well known for years. I have never knowingly eaten Basa. I still don't understand why we sell good Australian wild caught seafood offshore and bring this garbage to our shops.

2 years ago I was standing at the display window of a well known seafood chain and looking at the product on offer. When the staff member asked if he could help me I said, "Yes, where are the Australian fish?" He looked at me with a puzzled look so I said " you know, bream, snapper, kingfish flathead."

His exact words were, "It's too expensive. People won't buy it."

My reply "Well I won't buy that rubbish."

Lucky I catch my own.

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That is just appalling, I'm sure AQIS are aware of this.......Not! Well they will be now, I will forward the video to them and request what is their policy on quality and testing of imported seafood. I will post their response......but don't hold your breath. It is just not acceptable.

Edited by Twinfisher 4.9
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....It's important to remember not to use these as bait as well..... Good point, too, Grant!! I've heard of people buying supermarket prawns as bait as it is fresher & cheaper than some bait shops! I think the best of the Aussie caught fish get snap frozen & are sold overseas for TOP DOLLAR, hence the massive import of cheap asian fish/prawns to supplement the supply over here! I read somewhere that 70% of the supermarket fish is imported!! I guess it relates to a lot of fruit & veg now, too! :(

...imagine the amount of garbage, oils, rubber,fuel and who knows what else ends up in sydney harbour and every one seems to eat the fish from there and not mind..... I know that my family wouldn't let me eat food that is upriver of the Harbour Bridge when i fished with Tidenknots last year - I'd still have fun catching it tho!


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Careful when you get Fish & Chips. Ask what they are using including restaurants. Yeah I also buy

Hoki and hope its the real thing. Anyone buying those imported prawns should be very careful. America ban them totally

re cancer issues. Their taste is appalling in my opinion. Always concerned about anything from the seafood section of the supermarkets.

Just take a look at the sea food mix you now get all imported.

I am very fortunate to live very close to Pyrmont markets so do my buying there. But again be careful.

Our commercial operators should think very careful about what they are charging for local fish and mark ups. It recent months I have seen a great drop in patronage down there as prices for fresh fish has become twice as dear as meat and even higher than chicken. I know that the price of fish is govern by what they pay at Auction. The professionals that are left along with all other concerned parties should all sit down and work together in attempt to reverse this. Due to the retail cost of fish the black market has risen its ugly head, ie, Hapuka -$20 wholesale $40 + retail. Swordfish etc are just another example. Really ??????????????

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