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Sydney Harbour Monday


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hi Radiers

decided to head out this morning as wind was predicted to die right down as it did.

launched from roseville and headed straight for the heads in hope for some surface action but as we went under the spit and past the 4 knot zone we were meet with hundreds of dolphins filling middle harbor. we followed them taking some video and just watching them jump for a while. was blown away by the amount of dolphins there. anyway after that headed for the heads for some surface action :( i dont think so... no sign of any action. trolled south head for nothing, went to north head nothing there with a bit of swell decided to go into manly area and drift some baits. not a sausage, few bites thats it, still had dolphins playing around us there.... after trying a few drifts around there headed back to roseville and stopped a fe spots on the way home only for undersize snapper but in numbers!! every drop once you found them just make me wonder wheres mum and dad??

anyone have any luck?

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Was out on Sunday to Roseville for an undersized snapper, bluefish for a sargeant baker and back to the harbour for nothing either, trolled the heads both north and south for nothing, saw all the dolphins around everywhere, most exciting part of the day was getting 2 decent squid following my flickbait up to the boat but didn't manage to get them on a jig we threw in, and in the harbour had the same thing happen in the harbour but managed to catch a perfec kingy bait sized arrow head. Heaps of yakkas around caught one on a 6 inch flickbait as well swallowed the entire thing !

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Has been pretty quiet... surface action galore upstream from Roseville though! Very early this morning saw probably the biggest bust up i've ever seen! A massive school of big tailor crunching mullet on the surface! No joke for about 30m the water was erupting with massacred mullet floating around afterwards.. Managed to hook a couple landing one 40cm and got bitten of on 8lb leader by a much bigger fish... Flatties have been quiet also..

Cheers, Tom

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We also went out from Roseville all the way to manly and back stopping at Balmoral, the spit and Banterybay. We burlied hard but only small bites and nothing worth taking home. We tried SP and HB but still no luck. Saw a guy pull a nice King from the rocks near the Spit but we had no luck. Still a great day out. I am hoping the fishing improves shortly as the Mrs thinks I am just out enjoying the sun and getting away from her :biggrin2:

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We also went out from Roseville all the way to manly and back stopping at Balmoral, the spit and Banterybay. We burlied hard but only small bites and nothing worth taking home. We tried SP and HB but still no luck. Saw a guy pull a nice King from the rocks near the Spit but we had no luck. Still a great day out. I am hoping the fishing improves shortly as the Mrs thinks I am just out enjoying the sun and getting away from her :biggrin2:


ow well i feel a bit better now knowing it wasent just me

seeamed to be alot of people heading out the heads on monday and going north towards longy


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Yeh, we had a pretty quiet day in M.H. on Monday too!

Put down a crab pot at Roseville before the high tide, then swung through Sugerloaf, then down to Quakers Hat wreck..

Couple of goldfish size squire to show for it!

As m'attack says, loads of mullet jumpin' upstream of R'ville, we then trolled and cast the runout for flatties for no hits...

I thought maybe all the boat traffic was making them shy, but a harbour full of dolphins wouldn't help either!!

Great day on the water anyway!

All good!!!

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