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Canada Bay - big tide


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Time: 7.30am - 11.30am

Location: Canada Bay, landbased

Tide: High, 2.0m

Barometer: 1020-ish

Skies: Overcast, occasional drizzle

Went for a morning session before work today after arranging a late start to fish the 2m tide at 9am. Totally worth it.

I spent plenty of time along one of the canals which is on the way for me anyway. Didn't take long to nail a 26cm bream on a small (65mm?) squidgy bloodworm wriggler. I'd never caught a legal fish in that part of the drain before so was pleased to say the least.

Popped him back in the drink and thought I'd try for a second from the same spot. Cast ... jig ... jig ... ji-.. WOAH! BREAM, thought I. Line was being stripped everywhere and the bugger thought it funny to make a run under the bridge I was standing. Had to scramble over posts and fencing to keep my 6lb braid intact and after a through-the-fence netting struggled pulled this guy up. A healthy PB whiting of 37-38cm if I must say so myself.

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The section went quiet after that so onto the next bridge I go.

First cast wasn't under the bridge like I wanted but registered a hit anyway. Second cast was in the sweet spot and after a couple of jigs brought up my PB flathead of 55cm.

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Good morning so far!

Onto the mouth of the canal and another small bream of 23cm and 2 flatties fall in quick succession, again to the blooworm wrigglers. Only got a pic of one flattie, but both were between 46 and 50cm. The second one actually snapped the hook while struggling in the net (really need one of them eco-nets).

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Along the wall and another 2 flatties are taken, one while chatting to a guy about soapies apparently swimming into the canal at times. He was a bait guy but I reckon he'll be thinking about the placcies soon.

Onto the wharf and not much action aside from a chopper which swallowed a 3" pumkinseed minnow gulp including the size 1 hook. I lol'd and took a photo, then had to call it a day on behalf of the office.

Can add more photos if anyone wants, but they're too big to upload in this post.

Final count:

5 flatties (at least 3 of which beat my previous PB of 46cm)

2 bream

1 whiting (PB)

1 tailor


[edit] all were released for the next guy, or me again

Edited by jdanger
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I live on Canada Bay and fish it regularly.

In recent times there have been a lot of salmon around the boat ramp jetty but there is always a good smattering of bream from any of the walls but by far the flathead is the most frequently caught. In one two hour session along one wall I managed to bag 27 flatties, all of them over legal sze with the biggest being around 50cm, so no giants but plenty of them to keep me busy.

My biggest ever bream also came from CB and came from the wharf in front of the apartments, that fish went 48cm :thumbup:

Like any other spot, you have to work for your fish but when you find one you'll generally get a few from the same spot.

Frenchmans Walk goes around CB from the canal near Barnwell Park Golf Club right around past the boat ramp to Massey Park Golf Club at Exile Bay then around to Cape Cabarita and part way around France Bay. All is fishable and many a fish have been caught and released along the entire stretch, you just have to have time to walk it's length.

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Frenchmans Walk goes around CB from the canal near Barnwell Park Golf Club right around past the boat ramp to Massey Park Golf Club at Exile Bay then around to Cape Cabarita and part way around France Bay. All is fishable and many a fish have been caught and released along the entire stretch, you just have to have time to walk it's length.

Hah, yeah, I've done that walk. There was one day in particular where the wind was blowing a gale but hey, I needed to catch a fish. Was meant to be back home early but ended up walking to the end of the path in search of a fish. Was about to pack it and go back in defeat but decided on one last mega cast and smacked a flattie in the head with my vibe. Copped :ranting2: from :wife: but at least I beat the dreaded doughnut :biggrin2: .

So yeah, sometimes you really need to work for your fish.

Here's some other C-Bay pr0n from adventures past:

I thought this next one was a baby bream but a mate calls it for a silver biddy. Caught on the blade pictured, and you'd be amazed how hard it pulled for its size. Definitely beat the 24cm tailor I caught the same day.

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Here's my PB bream of 34cm. Caught 2-3 hours into the runout tide on a day where the wind was perpetually hazardous and the rain was off and on every 5 minutes, half the time with the sun still out. I saw a double rainbow and a few minutes later decided to chuck on my first HB for no reason other than to see how it swam because I'd already given up on the fish. Couple of uninspiring casts later (thank you wind) and WHAM, here ya go.

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And sometimes you don't even need fish to enjoy fishing:

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Thanks for the comments all.

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Love the Canada Bay report mate, I live nearby but had been venturing up to MH for my Fishing, I didn't really think you'd get anything around there. Might have to give it a try one morning or evening. Nice Sunset too, the best thing about fishing are often not the actual fishing. And I love the Plastics too, that walk sound like a great idea.

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