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Lake Conjola


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Gday Fishraiders,

I am heading down for a weeks camping at lake conjola to meet up with some relos and am wondering if anyone can give a report on how the lake has been fishing. I have never been there and am hearing stories of it being no longer opened to tidal flow from the ocean through the channel? I will have my tinnie with me so any local info would be great, can anyone reccomend any other areas worth a try down around that way. Like I said I have never been here so anything will be great. Mainly SP fishing.



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Hey Youngy,

I can't tell about the Lake per se, but put off going until Wednesday, at least. A trip through the Shoalhaven district sounds too darn risky. I wouldn't even be surprised if the highway is closed south of Sydney tomorrow due to bushfires. Don't worry, the fish will still be there, regardless of when you go.



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Mate just got back from lake conjola and can tell you that the reports are true the lake isn't open to the ocean at the moment . And the fishing , well we found it pretty tough going .with no tide and a lot. Of fresh water in the system we really had to work hard to find a feed ,but the fish we did find were good size and fat , we got 8 flatties between 51 and 65 cm over 5 trips on he water all on plastics. The plastic that did the trick was the ever popular bloodworm wriggler in 100 mm with plenty of s factor . Also lost 3 real big fish on live baits (mullet) due to pulled hooks . The flatties all come from lake berringer though which is a shoot off of lake conjola it has a shallow entrance but accessible with a tinny . If you have nav lights on your tinny it's worth having a troll of the main lake about an hour before sunset with some deep divers (x wraps) or similar of about 10 to12 cm , we did this a few nights and it wasn't hard to find a few tailor up to a kilo . I also lost a huge tailor after a 20 metre run and some aerial antics I've caught tailor in the lake up to 65 cm but this this would have dwarfed them . conjola is a great place to holiday Even if the fishing can be tuff at times . Are you staying at conjola lakeside van park ? Hope this helps. Good luck

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Yeh mate staying at the lakeside caravan park. Luckily not heading down for another fortnight so hopefully will miss the bushfires by then. Can anyone shed light on other fisheries in that area that may be worth a go? Have never been to Ulladulla area, any info on that area would be great.

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Can anyone shed light on other fisheries in that area that may be worth a go?

25 minutes north, St Georges Basin.

1m flatties, 45cm Snapper and tailor to 6Kg are quiet common.

Yes you did read right, 45cm snapper. Ian Phillips bagged 3 in 3 casts last week.

Is a bloody big lake but one of the better estuary fisheries in the area.

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