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The Curse of Beginners Luck

The Incredible Hull

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I remember the first time I targeted blue swimmer crab. It was in the middle of winter, around 12 midnight, I dropped the pot in the hawkesbury near the railway bridge. After 2 hours I pulled it up and had 6 big blue swimmers in 1 go! I dropped it again, got another 2. Amazing... And many future sessions after that, I got nothing! Beginners Luck!

My first day outing in the hawkesbury... I caught heaps of bream and flatties. But future sessions would only provide catfish eel. Beginners Luck!

First time I went squiding... I caught a huge squid... not sure how much it weighed, but the hood was around 35cm. I set the standard a little high...Last few sessions I've caught nothing so far! LOL Beginners Luck!

First time I tried spinning metal lures, I caught a bonnie first cast! LOL Last 2 sessions nothing =( Beginners Luck!

Do you have any beginners luck stories? Feel free to share!

Edited by The Incredible Hull
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The very 1st time I ever spun for Jew with hardbodies

was at a spot I had never fished before.

I got one at 18kg on the third cast & another of 22kgs

on the 5th cast.

I've only managed a couple of more on H/B's since with

the next biggest being 10kg.

Beginners luck alright!



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When I was in NZ in Oct, I bought a rod & reel for my daughter in law as her brothers both love fishing for snapper - and I left all my opened packets of Gulp with her as well ....... I had sent her basic retrieval instructions for her outing & I guess she followed them well!! She has fished before, but not a lot & only with bait ...... I was hoping to go out with her & her brothers to christen her new gear whilst over there, but the weather was so horrible, it didn't happen! :mellow: they were heading out bright & early this morning at 5.30am ........

Today, I received a volley of SMSs from her - she'd caught a WHOPPER snapper, bigger than anything her brothers & husband caught!! :sun: then another SMS saying she caught some more, then busted off by another one!! With 1/2hr to go, she was WAY ahead of her brothers & husband in both quality AND quantity ......... and they were running out of bait & she'd only used the one SP till she lost it!!! :banana:

I can't WAIT for the photos!!! :yahoo: Here they are (she was too busy fishing to take pics of her brothers' fish!):

Carol's 2 beauties


And her husband's contribution! :074:



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Can't begin to tell you how many times I've gone out to wet a line and, within the first 10 minutes, I catch a reasonable fish. Usually bream. Then, with hopes high, I fish on for hours after that for donuts......


I'll never forget the evening at Brighton baths in Sydney, back in the day when the south side of the baths was flanked by the wharf. Every man and his dog were casting out into the Bay for yakkas, undersized bream, whatever. The philosophy among the crowd was that anything caught was considered a keeper. Just to be different I took out a handline and cast and unweighted pillie cube INSIDE the baths and settled back, watching the bow in the line reflected by the streetlights. Sure enough, after about 5 minutes, the bow straightened out and I pulled in a lovely bream, probably about 35cm from memory. It was a horse! Immediately EVERYBODY ran to my side of the wharf and cast in. I packed up and took my fish home for a nice feed. I tried to repeat that effort often over the next few years and never even got a nudge..... Beginners luck!

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