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botany bay boat capsize


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Hi i was fishing at trev alley today when i heard a mayday call about 1030am, about a boat capsizing between bare island and north botany head. apparently it had 3 people on board , they managed to scramble on top of their vessell to await rescue. it was interesting to hear botany bay rescue in action over the radio and it didnt take long too see the 3 police lauches at high speed come to their aid they also had a rescue chopper for assistance. These guys are lifesavers . Did anyone else hear about this or have any more information they can share ?

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yes maybe they did flip on the bommie, it was a bit rough maybe 10-15 knot easterly, i know that when i saw the guys on the police launch heading back too the ramp the 3 guys were not wearing any life jackets and the guy who done a great job putting out the mayday call and giving botany bay rescue all the info he did say it was too risky for him to try and rescue them, maybe they where too close too the rocks. I forgot to mention the second boat on the scene was the big dive boat that launches from foreshore ramp and they had about 10 guys all suited up for diving on board, they may have assisted in some way

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