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Assorted fish and one big ugly squid


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Yesterday was absolutely fascinating day out on the water. My mate and I started early catching squid and our catch rates are improving thanks to tips from fellow raiders. We quickly had a dozen or so then headed out to North Head. Not knowing exactly where to fish there we did what most people do - join a gaggle of other boats - because they surely must know what they are doing. Turns out the spot was very fruitful - we caught 2 flounder, a cracking bream and got absolutely smoked on light gear a few times before we finally landed a small kingy - which was kissed and thrown back.

After some unsuccessful downrigging we decided to head out to Long Reef for the first time. We let the anchor out and threw out some strips of squid. Quite quickly one of the rods buckles over and we land a samson fish. Absolutely beautiful fish and great as sashimi. That success continued as over the next few hours as we landed 3 more kings - only one legal.

At one point my rod starts taking weight and after picking it up whatever is on the end starts coming in. I was thinking originally a big piece of weed but to my great surprise when I get it closer in it was a massive and very ugly squid. Just as it is nearing the surface my other rod starts screaming out. A mate grabs my other rod whilst I deal to this ugly critter. It was bright orange, a hood which was about 30 cm long, width of about 25cm and legs relatively short compared to its body of about 10cm. In the madness of the other rod going off I didn't take a picture of the squid but it was so ugly I am keen to know if fellow raiders have ever caught one? When I let it go it released and almighty ink squirt that turned the water around the boat totally black.

All in all a cracker of a day.

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Cuttlefish candles are the best snapper bait you can get. The rest of it is not worth the trouble unless you have parrots at home and then as the name say's there is one big shell/bone/whatever you want to call it that the pet shops and supermarkets charge like wounded bulls for.

Regards Jeff

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Was heading out on a charter once, when the captain turned around because of something he spotted from the bridge! It was a massive cuttlefish that the 3 deckies gaffed on board. They reckon there was enough bait there for 10 trips. Well, it worked on ours, we caught heaps!!!

Next time keep it for bait.

Cheers scratchie!!!

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