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25072005 Offshore


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I agree Ken. I am fed up with the preachers. A bloke puts up a genuine post for the benefit of other members and you feel the need to impose your personal preferences.






Consider this your last warning. My finger is hovering over the ban button.

Do it again and you're gone. Not negotiable.

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A good catch there gw77, nothing wrong with that. Maybe you could share a few of your recipes.

On the odd occasion if we are lucky enough to get a good catch we will give fish to the in-laws or a neighbour. Keeps us in the good books and everyone enjoys fresh fish.

My belief is it has not been the recreational angler but the professionals, general industry and those who poach to profit that deplete fish stocks and damage the environment.

The one nice thing about fish is that it can be recycled; scraps, heads etc are an easy food source for other fish or a contribution to your burley or compost heap.

Hard to place beer in the same social and environmentally friendly outcomes category. Not too many complaints there.!!!! Catch or release you still gotta have a drink.

I catch fish and I eat them to

I fish and I vote

Just because a cat is born in a fish shop does not mean it’s a fish. (Never quite figured that one out)

Cheers guys.

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I agree Ken. I am fed up with the preachers. A bloke puts up a genuine post for the benefit of other members and you feel the need to impose your personal preferences.






Consider this your last warning. My finger is hovering over the ban button.

Do it again and you're gone. Not negotiable.



Do as you please mate, no skin off my nose


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There is a big difference between sharing opinions & ramming your opinion down others throats.

I have had a gutful of the preaching that goes on from the "holier than thou" catch & release fisherman. If you want to release verything thats fine do so no one is telling you to do otherwise! If someone chooses to take fish that is their perogative & they will not get attacked on my site & I will have no hesitation banning anyone who chooses to take that path!

If you don't like this forum don't come here it's as simple as that.

That's my last statement on the subject in future you will see only action taken against preachers & that's a promise!

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Apologies if I seemed preachy in my earlier comment…My comments were not meant to be dictatorial… Rather just suggesting that taking home a few for a couple of meals and not filling the fridge is something that should be considered.

For example

Lets pretend a photo had 100 fish in it.. but there were 80 fishermen.. would this be considered an overkill or enough to feed each bloke for a meal of two..

(Decide amongst yourselves on this one, as it’s an interesting question to ponder).

Anyway, with a coastal wind warning forecast for the beginning of the weekend, I am hoping the salmon will be around in plague proportions as I seem to have my best days when the water is like a washing machine and the rain comes in horizontal…

Good luck to anyone going out in it!!!

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GW77, great catch mate...

As harold said, that's something to motivate strugglers like myself to get out there and give it a go...

As for the catch and release thing, I release anything undersized, but with the small amount of fish I catch, I pretty much keep anything thats good eating and

legal. There's nothing wrong with keeping fish for the table as long as its within the law...

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crazedfisherdude: It's not mornay sauce. I don't know what you call it but you bake the fish with lots of tomatoes, eggplant, onion, potatoes, olive oil and I can't think of what else at the moment.

The biggest Pigfish that I caught was way over 40cm probably closer to 50cm

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I'll plead gulity to having a personal opinion on monster flatties and the bloke who had caught and kept 600 odd dolphinfish in a season, but live and let live

Really looks like you guys had a great day out, unfortunately 10 miles out is probably past my comfort zone in the Pogoboat at the moment. Ild love a few of those to grace the deck and then the plate.

welcome for your first post :1clap:

Your mission now, should you choose to accept it, is to forward the recipe that turns into that plate in the picture to ken to post in the recipes section. My mouth is watering as I sit and type, I'm almost drooling on the keyboard. :tease:

Once again, welcome and keep the posts coming. :1welcomeani:

Edited by pogo
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Hey qw77.

Great to see someone catching fish out there at the moment.

Hopefully you have the nerve to post photos of your next outing.

KenA and Iain. Totally agree with your comments. No one likes being jumped on by the fishing Nazi's. Suppose that the reason I am generally a reader and not a writer.

Tight Lines everyone.

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GW 77 good catch of pinkies, mowies & reddies.

However, WHY 'stinkers' ??????????? You will obviously in the replies to your picture with every right be slammed with this catch of fish.

I am not judging the quantity of fish caught however, if for instance you are a fisherman who goes fishing once a month then that amount of fish caught on that day is ample. On the other hand, a frequent fisherman (average person) not pro's goes fishing once/twice a week that catch to me show's greed and abuse.

Swoffa, your quote, "What's the point in a discussion forum if there's no tolerance for any sort of discussion and sharing of opinions?"

Could not agree more.

Moderators, you seem to always darken topics when it's at it's peak. It's a OPEN discussion and should not be dictated to what we have to state as our opinion.



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Not to sure about that, this is kens site, he puts in the hard yards with the help of his moderators.

We have basically been invited into his lounge room to have a play with his train set, so we have to play by his rules.

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"a frequent fisherman (average person) not pro's goes fishing once/twice a week"

Wow between my :wife: and kids scoccer etc I'm lucky to go out once every 4-6 weeks. My better half??? seems to think that an average person(me) should consider himself lucky if he gets on the water more than 6 or 7 times a year.

Admitedly its a bit easier to give it a miss when it is frezzing cold and the fishing is so lousy its hard to even catch sweep at Long Reef. Come to think of it there are always always heaps of sweep at Long Reef.

Also I usually go out with Reckless. This means full wet weather gear, even when the only ripples on the water are from the sweep attacking the burley bucket.

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Guest Jocool

Moderators, you seem to always darken topics when it's at it's peak. It's a OPEN discussion and should not be dictated to what we have to state as our opinion.




Harry...Its not a matter of darkening as you put it. The fact is that GW77 has done nothing wrong legally, and is entitled to his catch. As he has explained, the catch was shared amongst 5 anglers. Hardly a truck load of fish I would have thought.

We as moderators, aren't in any way trying to dictate your thoughts or ideas on keeping or not keeping fish. What we are trying to do is not have a member lambasted by others. Nothing more, nothing less.

If you want to read between the lines, and see something that is NOT THERE...then thats your call.

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Guest bluecod

After about the fifth post I could see this was going to turn into a shitfight and warned the moderators about it. To their credit, "in the spirit of open debate" they left the post up to run through ......


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