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sydney heads tough going again!


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hit the rose bay ramp early to improve on sundays catch.... it was quiet then and even quieter today! managed a feed but had to look hard... I hope the fishing improves next week.

im heading down bawley point/durras/kioloa way mid week with some mates for a fishing week. does anyone know how things are going down south... or better still any good gps marks....

good luck and as always tight lines!!!!




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Those are some colourful fish. Ive never seen some of those before and if I caught them I probably would have thrown them back because I'd have no idea what they are!! I need to learn some more on these fish species. Your hard day looks like one of my awesome days.

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Mate, our definition of hard work definitely vary! Only catching one or two is hard work, but you have a smorgasbord!!! Good on ya!!!

Cheers scratchie!!!

Generally my definition of a tough day is walking 5-10 km and not getting a hit let alone a fish!

Good catch there Drummo!

Edited by foolforjesus
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