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It takes all sorts

ross patti

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Went for a quick lone fish in Botany Bay Sunday morning. After carefully positioning right on the GPS mark, I set about tying traces and terminals to the rods. I usually do all this the day before so not to waste time on the water . . . but family stuff got in the way on Saturday.

Anyway . . . after meticulously tying the 6lb FC rock traces, I laid out a 3 rod spread that covered both sides of the drop-off with prime live bloodworms and nippers for enticement. I then set about putting the knife, pliers, net, etc all in their "go to " position, and finally sat down.

Then out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a boat sitting quite close to me and wondered where the hell he came from. Pretty sure he wasn't there when I anchored, and I thought he was a bit rank anchoring so close to me . . .probably only 15m away. I just shook my head . .what can you do ?

As it turns out, he wasn't anchored at all. He was drifting, and heading in a line to take him across the back of my boat and only 3 or 4 m away from my transom. I sat and watched him for a minute, thinking that he would obviously see the direction he was heading in, and that he would make a quick move.

It soon became apparent that he wasn't gonna move at all. I politely said to him that maybe he might start up his motor and head away from the anchored boat. He muttered something to his 2 mates in their language and started his motor.

Just when I thought that common sense had prevailed, he then proceeded to drive forward in the exact direction the drift was taking him, ensuring he collected all 3 of my lines around his prop.

At first I wanted to kill him, then I looked up at his 2 gorilla mates. Then I wanted to kill all 3.

They had the gall to lift their motor and remove the now entwined fishing line . . . . so it was no accident.

My repeated swearing at them could have seen me stabbed . . .but I was livid.

Now . .I very much doubt they are fishraiders . . . but on the off-chance they see this, please let me say this:

1. I hope my super fine braid gets spun onto your propshaft and works it's way down to your gearbox seals.

2. Everything I said about your mother is true.

3 Everything I said about your wife is also true.

4. I curse you with no fish for 5 lifetimes.

5. I took down your boat rego. God help you if I find out where your boat lives.

In 20 years of boating, mostly on typically crowded Sydney waterways, I have never seen such an arrogant pig SOB.

And after all that, I finished the day with a modest catch of 4 bream and a whiting. I put it down to the boiling blood.

I feel better for having gotten that off my chest. Thanks for listening . . . .

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Sorry to hear that. Count to 10 take a deep breath. Now remember the reason you were out there, to fish! There's a scumbag born every minute! Your just unlucky to run into 3 of them!

I hope curse #4 gets them!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Had similiar incedant but with bloke in his kayak and his young son sharing the same as well as an older son on another, i was anchored at moli point positioned the boat to cast into current and drift bait back this guy came paddle right at back of my boat i just shook my head thinking that would give indication of ho rude he was NO he continued to paddle not 2 metres from back of boat then attempted to put his anchor down virtually to the side of my boat. I politly informed him that he was right in my casting area and pulled up then moved thinking he was gone some min later hcam drifting a metre beside my boat where i had a livie down again after some time of shaking my head and commenting to my mate how rude he was he didnt get it.So i pulled up anchor but before leaving politly said " in future mate you may like to concder the fellow boaties around you and anchor up well away considering there was not many other boats there at the time. Hi excuse was " sorry bro the anchor wont hold and im tired of paddling"

My thought not comment was why the hell would you come out into botany on a kayak with a 10 year old when you are to unfit to paddle the boat to safety.

I allways have respect for fellow boaties, by slowwing down when approaching an anchored boat and giving them a wide birth, so my wake doesnt disturb them to much, not botany so many inconciderate idiots on the water its ridiculous it doesnt take much to be considerate.

Have a good day and good luck fishing

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Not a good day on the water with something like this happening. I can understand massive cruisers driving too close to fishingn boats, as they dont give S*** about fishing. But other people sharing the same interest, behaving like that, is just sad.

Old pildchards come in handy in cases like this. As long as you can outrun the other boat. Or record the whole thing and then flame them on youtube.

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could have been the same 3 that crossed infront of me early sunday morning (still dark) come from my left and dangerously close crossing in front of me only about 2m off my bow travelling w.o.t..

F^%$#wits almost disturbed my days fishing with a mayday call!

Edited by oz_brett
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There are lots of inconsiderate turkeys on the water and they don't all have English as a second language! Most times when I am on the harbour and squidding around Middle Head a large group of kayakers paddle past from the north and then back again later. Invariably about half of them travel between my boat and the rocks on the way out and on the way back. I'm usually only 20 - 30 metres out and obviously casting towards the shore. These well heeled and obviously anglo saxon north shore types, both men and women, couldn't give a stuff about me. I might have to rig up with a cheap heavy squid jig and "accidently" land it on one's head!! So far I've resisted giving them a piece of my mind but the time is coming!

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Anchored a few times less than 30 metres out from Deer Park shoreline. I am the only one there, all of the f***ing water outside me to motor along, but no, the f***wits want to motor along inside me at full speed.

Sometimes I cannot help myself and yell at the f***wits, some wave the middle finger (and I tell them to use it to check their own prostate) and others just turn the other way and pretend to not see me.

A length of 40 or 50 pound line, greased with Vaseline so it floats, and thrown in front of the boat so that it runs over it (have never done that) soon winds around the prop and the motor stops (some one told me that)

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Gotta say it's probably happened to all of us at different times throughout our fishing careers and it certainly has happened to me on many occasions , guys like this aren't worth the time or even putting yourself at risk of being hurt because they took exception to what you so rightly would have said to these knobs , photos and video are a great resource and make compelling viewing on youtube .

But one thing we should all take out of this thread is not to target any particular group of people and post it on this site , it is irrelevant where you may come from or what race you are ,there are KNOBS :mad3: everywhere and from all creeds .

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Last Friday I was anchored about 40mtr off Flint n Steel with 3 lines out the back going towards shore when this tosser in his u-bute flybridge cruiser came right over all 3 lines,I started yelling and cursing at the prat and one of his yuppie mates in the back sipping Champers gave me the finger,so I let rip with snapper lead with a butterflyd slimmey on a 6/0.I lost the lead and slimmey but it was worth it just to see the prats jump as a flying slimmey came at them.

Job done lesson learnt -I hope.

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