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3 very different outings


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A quick snapshot of 3 outings last week in Sydney's glorious autumn weather....

Outing 1:

Collected some fat poddies and fished CC bridge in the last of the run, at sunset on April 19. Trolling around the CC bridge just on dark, one of my livey rods buckles over so I set the hook to another screaming run and good headshakes and stupidly put the rod back in the holder so I can get my other two lines in. One more run and ping, the beast (jew suspected) reefs my up near a bridge pylon. No joy but a pleasant arvo out on glassy conditions.


Outing 2:

Kept an eye on Seabreeze and picked out Wednesday arvo April 24 as a good time to target some squid. Hit the bay about 1pm and the last of a light westerly began to drop as I slow trolled some squid ligs over weeds near the entrance of the bay. No joy for an hour then as the wind dropped to nothing, I hit a patch of nice green eyes and managed a drag pulling 34cm hood amongst them. The yak was inked pretty badly at one stage but a great feed of 6 inkers was collected in under an hour.




Outing 3:

Had lunch out at Cronulla on Anzac Day and noticed the swell was right down so I planned to take my mid 70s father in law out for a bash on the following arvo. Collected some nippers and a bag of stale bread from the baker and we hit the spot around 3:30pm . I was armed with some new 8lb fluorocarbon line on a light alvey and my FIL had his usual eggbeater & basic rod. after burleying for 20 minutes, i went the first nipper and afiesty bream comes out of 2-3 feet of reefy water. I picked up another couple of sub 30 bream then my FIL gets one, yeehah! Then some bruisers moved in and my next fish was a 40cm pig which upon lifting onto the rock ledge, snapped my live fibre rod in two! (secong rod to do so in 3 years!!!) My FIL went back to my car to get his other rod and in the mean time I use his $50 combo and another good fish bricks me under a ledge. He arrives with a spare stick for me and i slip my Alvey onto it to then get bricked by two more good fish. As soon as the mother of all full moons came over the horizon, the fish switched off. we ended up with probably 15 fish over the 90 minutes and took 8 home for a feed. I should have used 12lb!!


Three very different fishing episodes but all in the best weather Sydney could possibly turn on!

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Hey rob

You are a man of many talents... jew fishing one day, then squid and followed by a massive bag of fish off the stones.

What is most impressive however is your ability to eat what looks to be 4kgs of squid? Plus your master rod "building" skills turning one piece rods into two piece travellers rods !!!



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Terrific report Rob. A shame about the Jewy but some very tasty consolation prizes amongst the inkers. The session on the pigs sounded like a cracker! Any issues cleaning the ink off the yak? Keep the reports coming mate!



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Good haul there Rob and in some spectacular fishing conditions.

The yak was inked pretty badly at one stage but a great feed of 6 inkers was collected in under an hour.

Did you clean on sight or wait til you got home?



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Thanks for the comments guys, as for cleaning the yak, there are a few dark blotches here and there but ill get out the kartcher and give it some stick! I've frozen the big squid and I'm going to stuff the tubes and cook them in a tomato based sauce so ill keep you all posted!

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