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Sat night fun chasing Jews

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After my cuz Johnny piked out on Friday night on a session and after seeing my post for Friday night I get a text saying "are you keen? ". What a silly question to ask.

So it hit 11pm and Johnny, Josh and my self jump in the car and head to windang for a session chasing Jews. So when we get their the tide was just starting to run out. With anticipation in the air we start flicking plastics around with nothing but a few small hits.

Then all of a Sudden the next few hours were full on. Johnny's rod buckles over and a first run of the fish taking a lot of line of the spool. Then no weight and after we see that his hook has been pulled straight. Next cast we got a few flatty's then Johnny is on again but this time he lands a 70cm Jew and his first from windang. Then next cast josh is on to something that is pulling a lot of line. Next thing you no a massive mullet hits the surface on SOFT PLASTIC!.

Very next cast my rod loads up and line screaming of my spool then all of a Sudden their in no weight and my hook looks as straight as a nail. Bugger this was bigger then anything I have had on before. Well the next few hours we where hooking up and losing fish Johnny got a second Jew and me and josh got a few flatty's between us. All and all had a cracking session with some great mates.

Sorry Kent ill give ya the heads up next time.



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Well done mate, some nice schoolies & flatties there once again.

You have to upgrade those jig heads! No doubt there are some big

jew shadowing the mullet schools as they run to sea.



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Well done again. Heads up, local rag down here has been whinging about coppers not stopping people fishing off bridge so keep your eye out for them. Got me motivated I'm gonna park the boat in the middle towards bar and go try the Jewies this week.

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Well done again. Heads up, local rag down here has been whinging about coppers not stopping people fishing off bridge so keep your eye out for them. Got me motivated I'm gonna park the boat in the middle towards bar and go try the Jewies this week.

Really that suck. Heaps of cops went past but no one stopped.

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Well done again. Heads up, local rag down here has been whinging about coppers not stopping people fishing off bridge so keep your eye out for them. Got me motivated I'm gonna park the boat in the middle towards bar and go try the Jewies this week.

Good luck mate let me know how you get on. Their are a few about.

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Really that suck. Heaps of cops went past but no one stopped.

Lol that's funny, in the paper there was a bit of argy-bargy between RTA and Police as to who's responsible to enforce it. Turns out it's the Police so if they saw you no dramas, can't see them ever enforcing it there.

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