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Burning Arms - Blackfish


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Went out this morning, for the Monday fishing session. My mate Bob and I arrived at the platform about 8.30am and found that the swell was actually rearing up and making things uncomfortable on the rocks. It was safe enough, but you had to keep an eye open for the regular big set coming through. Today it was smashing into the platform and shooting high over our heads, with the occasional dump of water cascading over us. I hate fishing with wet undies and shorts bootyshake.gif Another mate, Rick, arrived minutes after us and we all tossed in a bait for the drift. Three downs within 10-20 seconds and three fish landed. Wow, a bit different to Fridays tentative takes. The next 40 or so minutes were quite hectic and fish were being landed and dropped non stop. The fish were taking the hook down deep and I snapped off around 6 hooks in a row, wasting time to re-tie new ones. A couple of other old locals arrived, Ray 76 yrs old and Bronco 78yrs. Ray got right into it but poor old Bronc was struggling to even get a down. Ray and I slipped a couple of fish into his keeper net and when he queried it, we told him his first fish must have been a breeder. It was a great few hours and we packed up at mid-day. Tally for the morning was 16 for me, 10 for Rick and Ray, 5 for Bob and 2 for Bronco. We all dropped loads of fish today and for me it was about 50% of hooked fish landed, so I would have easily bagged out if all went to plan. I also got a nice fat pig, so ended up with a bonus. Bob was still cleaning his fish after I had finished, so I grabbed his rod, which was still rigged and Rick and I went back to toss in another bait. We both hooked and landed a fish within 30 seconds, so I dropped another one next to Bob, for him to clean. Good fun, good mates and a great location.


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G'day Stormy,

Your report has brought back some fond memories of when I used to hop the rocks at LaPerouse with my 'clan' of old-timers.

I was in my mid to late 20's (nearly half my life ago) and we often had sessions like that.

Usually there was one guy in the group who would struggle (and we all had our days), but what was amazing was the fact that others would just put fish in your net.

When you were down because you weren't getting downs, they gave you fish and pretended they knew nothing of it.

Such generosity and cameraderie is almost lost in today's generation of rock fishos.

They would rather throw the fish back after they caught a decent bag and say 'they are sustaining the fishery' rather than give you a fish or two - literally.

While what they are saying is essentially true, it is perceived as an "Every-man-for-himself" situation. The miniscule gain in sustainability creates a subiminal level of bitterness amongst the group.

In my opinion that goes against the grain of blackfishing lore.

You my friend have kept the tradition alive and I commend you for it.

I love to hear it whenever it happens and serves to remind me that this important human value still exists in the world of the men with the steel-plated sandals.

I hope your keeper net is always full of fish for you and your great mates.


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I have to agree with tony! Great job stormy! So many memories for me fishing was sharing that day with my mates! I've given away quite a few fish at the cleaning tables to young kids or people who have struggled catching a feed. Makes you and them feel good! Good on ya, your a legend.

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Great fishing guys and excellent generosity. Good to see old values still alive. My old neighbour used to take me to the La Perouse platform and I remember sharing a large catch with someone who was less lucky on the day. I remember one local old timer from Botany giving me a blackfish saying "take this home to your mum sunny jim"

Just wondering what size hooks you were using as you mentioned many fish being gut hooked!



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Hey Tony,

do you remember Bob, Max and Henry from Lapa? And a middle aged bloke with a spritely teenage son who always took the 394 bus to get there? (That was me) Stormy I may have to sneak under the razor wire this weekend!!!!!

Mate I remember a Bob - polish fellow who fished for small gropers and the occasional blackfish.

I fished religiously from about 1990 to 2003 - mainly Pa Perouse (Bare Island) and The trap, Greenie, Old Mans Rock, The doctors and Little bay.

The guys I knew were Verner (Austrian), Herbie (indigenous Aussie), Pepe (Mexican), Spanish Tony (The master), and several other drift-ins then drift-outs....

They are probably all still there and in their 60's - 70's...

A great bunch of blokes with whom I spent a significant part of my life....


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Mate what was his name - and yours ?

Is the stake you are talking about the one at the front of Bare Island or the one below the coast Golf club (just before little bay)?

My mate Tony The Master installed them when I was fishing with them.

The stainless was provided by Ricardo who worked in a shop called Flanbay (did a lot of work for ICI).

I can't say I remember fishing rod details but I did know everyone's name...

Also, I know Tont the master is still around but failing eyesight.

He still fishes but I don't know how often and I have not spoken to him for a couple of months....

Also out of interest, we were the first people to start fishing for calamari from LaPerouse.

Before us, we didn't see anyone doing it...

Not a lot there these days - too much competition...


Edited by Keflapod
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I know the guys you are talking about....I met Verner and his mates anew times years ago fishing for blackfish in Little Bay. They would always arrive there from somewhere else where that had already been fishing. They knew their stuff alright!

Great post once again and another nice bag to share!

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Being of a certain age I also know some of the folklore of rock fishing in sydney in the 60's and 70's. My uncles and their friends would frequent these mystical spots only known to those in the know or who have been initiated. Or like myself you were a young bloke being taken along for an adventure.

There was a spot in Little Bay called "the doctors" where i was taken to one cold winters morning. From memory this place had the legend of an old local doctor I think using human entrails to fish with hence the name. It sent shivers down my spine that morning and i was shivering from fear not cold. I kept looking for an old doctor with a scalpel in one hand and a rod in the other sneaking up behind my back. :mfr_lol:

Does any one know where exactly this is? I vaguely remember it was a few outcrops south of little beach.

I caught plenty of tailor that morning spinning with the old classic wonder wobbler metal but everyone else was into the blackfish and they were getting very good hauls indeed.


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