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Back into the Blackies


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Hi Guys,

Havnt fished alot due to life stuff getting in the way but its that time of year i start to get back to my grass roots fishing, yep blacky fever is apon me again.

Its this time of year i concentrate on tuna(if the ever turn up) kings and blackies. this w/e i decided it was time to get back into the dark art.

weed was sourced friday and i was rapt to see its growing great at one of my sneaky spots .

sat morning only had till 8 am as i had my boys soccer to go to and between me and 2 others it was hard going.i got 1 down but lost it after 2 tail beats and got baited once.

oh well will have to scope out another place sunday and a plan was hatched.

went to a spot that was kinder than sat with that icy wind and my mate joined me for our first fish on em together this year

cast in get burly bomb ready but before i lob it my floats on a good down.. woooohooooooo fish on i call as my mate is still getting ready .

we net the fish and it is fat,fit,healthy and gave a good account of itself..

well we kept the school there for a while and got a gazillion downs and i would hate to think what our strike rate was as i was failing dismally.in amongst the bag of good eating ones 30-40cm there was a few tiddlers which explained early on why we were missing soooo many.. many tactics were used and was great way to quickly sharpen up our skills and get the brain thinking again.there are lots of schools everywhere and this early in the season they will move around alot and persistence and/or moving around is needed to get success.pulled the pin later than planned at 11am as we were having a great time and was great catching up with my mate again and the banter that flew around was priceless as he was slaughtering me fishing wise but round 2 is mine next sunday morning .

4 out of the 6 i kept had worms and one the flesh affected (coarse texture) so i hope this trend doesnt hapen this year as last year was mainly worm free..


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Forgot to mention these were caught in pittwater. There is good schools all through pitty and looks like another blacky bonanza year :)

Thx pete, was great catching up with my mate again as we are both pretty busy and seems like forever since we fished together..


Heres ones i kept on my cleaning table .

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I've never seen worms in blackfish in over 40 years of fishing for them. What are they? What do they look like, size, colour etc? Where do you find them, in the gut or the flesh?

You've got me really intrigued!


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Well done, Steve - shame about the worms! I am taking some of your weed to Port tomorrow and will try it there over a couple of days!



Thx Roberta. Hope you find a few with that weed. Next time i come up will plan it better :) .

Let me know if you need more as i can post some up. .

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koalaboi ..

The worms are similar to ones kingies get. White bulbous head and tail of blood like. Can be up to 20 mm or more and typically found near gut in shoulder etc but have found some with lots. Mostly only a couple and i suspect they come from gut cavity and travel into flesh. Im waiting on a reply from julien pepperell if he can help regarding the worms .

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Stewy, i used to think years ago only bigger ones had them but last few years have found them in smaller ones so i think bigger ones being older mayby why more often. When kingies have them the flesh is more affected than what blackies do and have heard about icing in slurry to help stop flesh degrading so may try it with blackies if it becomes a problem.

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