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Mid April Kings


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Hi Raiders,

This is my first post and it's a little delayed from the trip itself due to an O/S trip to the US.

Anyway, decided to nip out for a Sunday morning fish with a mate of mine in mid April, much to the dissatisfaction of the missus!

My mate picked me up from Watsons Bay in his 5m centre console and we headed to North Harbour to catch some bait. Unfortunately there were no squid around, but my mates brother had picked up a 105cm King on a yakka earlier in the week, so we weren't overly concerned.

With the bait tank brimming with Yellowtail we headed out to a spot we like to fish around the corner from North Head.

Before the anchor had set, my Shimano T Curve, Deep Jig Spinning 200 started to quiver, unfortunately was just an oversized Sgt Baker.

Within 30sec of the bait hitting the correct depth on the second drop, the livey started to freak and bang it was hit! After a series of powerful runs, I turned it's head and fought a nice 90cm King to the side of the boat where it was securely gaffed.

For the next hour we pulled in and released 5 more rats and a nice bonny, all of which were between 55 & 60cm's.

I returned home to a mouthful from my missus... But nothing could wipe the grin off my face!


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