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Big swell Sambos


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I have been pulling donuts for the past few weeks along the northern beaches. I started mixing it up different tide, time of day and baits nothing was working for me. Finally tide and time were perfect last night but the swell was pumping. I spent an hour at Rosie Brugge ramp trying to get a few yakka but could only pic up thumb sized bream and a Tiny trev, the water was still pretty dirty and I didn't want to miss the tide change so headed down to south curl curl with just a few pillies to try my luck. The swell was pumping and the gutters were pushing water along the shore so fast I was almost jogging along the sand to keep my line from swinging onto the sand. I tried doubling up up the stars and it worked pretty well eventually found a nice depression in the gutter that seamed to catch the sinkers as they were pulled along the gutter. After finding the honey hole pulled two fat sambos going 60 and 64 cm.


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I also was out earlier in the week in the big swell - but my yakkas were just getting crushed in the surf after about 5 minutes out. Funny - also had difficulty getting yakkas - (eventually got them by burlying with small bits of pillies, and then a totally unweighted hook with a bit of pillie held on by ghost-cotton. Even a tiny weight seemed to put them off). On the beach, I was jogging with current, doubled the stars, but did not have any more pillies to try. I think in the heavier surf, livies are no advantage whereas something oily/smelly/better casting like pillies probably works better. Thoughts?

On the up side, relatively little kelp for such a big swell. It looks like the weekend should be good off the beaches.

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Funny that - I would have expected fishing to get worse as today's full moon approached, but obviously you reversed the trend! Well done mate.

The lead up to a full moon is a gun time to fish.

It generally goes very quiet just after a full moon.

Get your hands on an Anglers Almanac. It will help a lot.

Well done on the sambos in very trying conditions!



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I also was out earlier in the week in the big swell - but my yakkas were just getting crushed in the surf after about 5 minutes out. Funny - also had difficulty getting yakkas - (eventually got them by burlying with small bits of pillies, and then a totally unweighted hook with a bit of pillie held on by ghost-cotton. Even a tiny weight seemed to put them off). On the beach, I was jogging with current, doubled the stars, but did not have any more pillies to try. I think in the heavier surf, livies are no advantage whereas something oily/smelly/better casting like pillies probably works better. Thoughts?

On the up side, relatively little kelp for such a big swell. It looks like the weekend should be good off the beaches.

When yellowtail are hard to catch, I have had best results with a very small suicide hook (short shank hook) light line and the hook covered with bait, and NO SINKER. If they are really difficult, throw a small handful of mushed up bread into the water, and drop your bait into that bread mush.

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