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watsons bay 02/10/13


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Got the day off so decided to take the family to the beach. Got to the spot around 1pm. The spot was packed and plenty of white pointers. Quickly set up the tent for the family and off I went to the rocks. Setup one rod for bottom and another rod for spinning. Got squid/mullet for bait and zman sp. Not much happening after 1hr so decided to use floats. The wind was blowing around 10/15kph so casting was a bit tricky. Keep getting nibbles but cant get a solid hook up so change the hook from no 4 to no 8 suicide. While I was rigging up I saw two kids having trouble with their kayak and inflatable. The kid on the inflatable was starting to panick coz the wave was pushing him to the rocks. The kid on the kayak tried to help but he was also getting push to the rocks so I quickly came to their rescue. The kid on the inflatable was really in panic mode so I grab him while the inflatable was sinking. Pulled him out then help the other kid get his kayak out from the rocks. Both of the kids werent wearing any pfd. The mother of one of the kids was very thankful I was there. After a few words from the mother to her son. Off they went and I went back to rig my rod. Got a bit wet but its all good.

Managed to hook two jackets on squid in 3hrs. Ended up packing up around 6pm. Got home around 8pm.

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Good on you for helping out. It never ceases to amaze me, the lack of safety gear people don't have whilst on the water. Lucky you were there or we could be hearing about it on the news.

As I was reading I was hoping the fishing might have been better when you got back it.

Karma will come back too you! Good luck.

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Well done on helping the kids in the yaks/inflatables! I am constantly AMAZED at the stupidity (call that NEGLIGENCE) of parents, allowing their kids out in unseaworthy craft, without lifejackets or adult supervision - just the other day, I told a kid (about 8 who weighed NOTHING) in a grownup yak to go & put a life jacket on as it was LAW & that the lake here was blowing up with big winds & it wasn't wise to go out! He came back with an older 'paddler' (aged about 12 and neither with life jackets but at least now he had a TShirt on!) and when I saw them 5 mins later, the older lad had left the yak & now 2 YOUNGER kids were in it with the 8 year old - and they were about to paddle to the island in the middle of the lake here, under the bridge!!

SHOCKED AND STUNNED!! For some reason, some parents consdier yaks to be some sort of 'toy' and not a lethal weapon (in the wrong circumstances!) If I'd broached the subject with the parent - I bet I would have been abused!!

The Ministry of Fisheries boat had only exited the boat ramp just 10 mins before the boy launched his yak! Shame he wasn't there when he launched!

Glad you got some fish! :) Sorry for my rant - but it brought it all back to me!!



Edited by Roberta
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thanks for the comments...i got three kids of my own and i always keep an eye on them...im glad the boy didnt get hurt...he wont forget that for a while...im very sure the boy learned a very good lesson...and probably the mother too...

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