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Ok, heres a new question that I am pondering. I have always been told that fish will always be more on the bight on a rising barometer, but exactly what does this entail? Does any rise in barometric pressure interest fish, or is the increase in fish activity relative to the rise in pressure?

And with a sustained low pressure system, like the one now haunting us now, when it finally passes and the rise in b.pressure create a feeding frenzy as it is the first for a week or more? Seeing I cant fish I might as well ponder these trivial facts.


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Mate, it is an interesting one. Like why marlin bight on a tide change in 500 meters of water 20 kms to sea.

There is a thought that Bass for example like the consistent high barometer, but they can go absolutely mad just as the barometer drops aswell, I presume instinct tells them rain is on the way and they had better feed before the water turns to mud.

I also wonder if in fact the consistent high barometer also correlates to a rise in water temp, as a drop in water temp is a sure way to see the end to a hot bight.

I am not sure how much the barometer affects other species.

Edited by Flickn Mad
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Krause, barometric pressure, tides, moon phases, water tempsthermoclines all affect fish feeding times.

Fish must feel the difference in pressure. Take for instance when u skulldrag a fish up, the fish will come up bloated and eyes popping out. As I suspect a diver would feel coming up too quick. Yet if you play a fish and take your time bringing it to the boat, the fish comes up healthier. Fish have swim bladders allowing them to regulate depth. So the deeper you go the more pressure on internals and vica versa.

What we find is fish will always feed up before a low. I think this is because they know they wont be able to feed again till after the low has passed and pressure begins to rise and allow them to feed again. All relates to pressure. Think of when u like to eat and when u dont add weather factors to hot, to cold?

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