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G'day Laurie,

The :wife: is out at a lingerie party tonight - and I wasn't invited :ranting2: so I got to cook yesterdays catch for me and the kids.

I just finished some trevor, and it was delish.

I took the skin off, cut out the ribs, and made fish pieces.

Then dredged them in flour seasoned with McKormicks Bush Spices, shallow fried till golden brown, served with fresh bread, green salad, and a beer.

I think the important thing is to have bled the fish on capture, which it looks like you have done.




Edited by cajun
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OK Here's my blurter recipe (though I'll make a quick plea to limit your catch on the ol' trevors as they are a very slow growing fish with a long life span like bream)

As said bleed and gut upon capture and into an ice slurry (NOT straight onto ice).

Cut flesh into chunks about the size of half a matchbox. Get a can of coconut cream. Soak the chunks in the coconut cream. Remove and let excess drip off. In a plastic bag mix breadcrumbs, a touch of flour, and a table spoon of Thai spices (or any spicy mix). Put the chunks a couple at a time into the plastic bag and shake til coated. After you've done all the chunks, put on plate and leave in fridge covered for an hour or so. Then simply deep or shallow fry in GOOD FRESH oil. The batter seals the flesh and it's oh so moist, while the coconut cream and Thai spices add a flavour that really seems to compliment the trevor. Great finger food or serve with rice and cucumber slices or a thai salad. Kids love em too.

Cheers Bombie

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I caught a couple of trevors last weekend and made the cardinal sin of not bleeding them upon capture. They ended up tasting like a jar of iodine. :( i riuned them totally. Usually they taste quite alright but not my favourite eating fish. I am interested in some of the recipes mentioned in this thread they sound great and can't wait to try them...

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G'day Laurie,

The :wife: is out at a lingerie party tonight - and I wasn't invited :ranting2: so I got to cook yesterdays catch for me and the kids.

I just finished some trevor, and it was delish.

I took the skin off, cut out the ribs, and made fish pieces.

Then dredged them in flour seasoned with McKormicks Bush Spices, shallow fried till golden brown, served with fresh bread, green salad, and a beer.

I think the important thing is to have bled the fish on capture, which it looks like you have done.






Does the :wife: know your giving the kids :beersmile:


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Does the :wife: know your giving the kids  :beersmile:



One of 'em turns 20 soon, and I have failed in my parental duties with him. He bought home a case of Fosters last week. :puke: Probably knows I wont drink it :1prop:

The others had to settle for cordial :drunk:



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Guest Jocool
He bought home a case of Fosters last week. :puke: 


It's a retro thing Ken. Everything old and tasteless is in vogue again. :074::tease:

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