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Pittwater picnic fun


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We had a family picnic today at a nice little beach in pittwater. My boys insisted on taking a rod each which I agreed. They had some success in the middle of the day on peeled hawkesbury prawns. 3 large bream largest going 37cm and a nice flathead. Good start to the year.



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Nice one mate! A bit of a change from the Jew fishing! Was it the kids or you who insisted on taking the rods?

Either way, that's a great result for pittwater!

Cheers scratchie!!!

Scratchie, I told the wife it was tre kids but I supported their decision.

As for Jews I have been nailing them but can't crack 4kg mark recently. There are heaps around but all schoolies.

I am away at Lake Macquarie with the boat on our jetty and not sure where to look for Jews here!

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