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G'day Folks


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G'day Everyone,

Looks like a top site you have here. I have found fishing again after a way too long spent away from it :05:

I've pulled the gear out of storage and spent last weekend greasing and oiling (reels that is :1prop: ) and getting some new tackle. Will be heading down to Bonnet Bay in the morning to grab some poddy mullet and will have a stab out at Molineaux Point and maybe along the Groynes at Dolls Pt tommorow at High tide.....will let you blokes know how it goes.

Anyway, you'll be hearing more from me in time, which is probably not a good thing :badair:



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:1welcomeani:  rob

look forward to reading your reports and seeing you out on the water, what sort of toy do you fish from?

theres a few of us getting together for a drink tomorrow night at morty pub if you feel like a beer after your fishing trip drop in and say G'day.  :thumbup:


As my forum name suggests i am presently fishing from size 10 runners planted on terra firma :risata:

I will be trying to get out on my cousins runabout from time to time and hire tinnies - still a way off getting my own boat sorted :thumbdown:

Would love to make it down the Mortdale pub on Sat but have some other plans - next time will be sweet :beersmile:

Thanks for the welcome lads

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Thanks for the welcome lads :1clap:

Well, just got back from Ramsgate, fished the beach and groynes for a couple of hours with a work mate....... got a 50cm flattie on soft plastic, drank a couple of lagers :beersmile: and the Tigers are playing in an hour :biggrin2:

All in all a top day and a good return to angling :1fishing1:



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