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I see people texting or on the phone on a daily basis as im sure you guys do to.

It's not just that but you see people eating, drinking, reading the paper, puting make up on etc, etc, etc.When is this stupidity going to stop?

My guess is never it seems to be getting worse and worse.

I can tell you it doesn't get any easier for all the familys involved as I lost my brother and niece to a 18 year old driver texting 10 years ago to the day today.

My niece passed away on her 8th birthday and today we could be celebrating her 18th.

My brother would have been 40.

R.I.P. Jessica. 26/03/1996-26/03/2004.

Sent from my GT-I8730T using Tapatalk

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Sorry to hear mate, I lost my 19 y/o cousin and his girlfriend in 2009 to a trucky who was 'distracted' when he ploughed through the intersection without giving way...

Our roads sure would be much safer if everyone would focus on driving.

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I see people texting or on the phone on a daily basis as im sure you guys do to.

It's not just that but you see people eating, drinking, reading the paper, puting make up on etc, etc, etc.When is this stupidity going to stop?

My guess is never it seems to be getting worse and worse.

I can tell you it doesn't get any easier for all the familys involved as I lost my brother and niece to a 18 year old driver texting 10 years ago to the day today.

My niece passed away on her 8th birthday and today we could be celebrating her 18th.

My brother would have been 40.

R.I.P. Jessica. 26/03/1996-26/03/2004.

Sent from my GT-I8730T using Tapatalk

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Sent from my GT-I8730T using Tapatalk

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I see it on a constant basis unfortunately. I keep my phone in my bag in the backseat when driving to not only take the temptation away but also most of the time I can't even hear it back there. Sometimes I wish that I had a camera on my head to record it and show the cops. If I can see it it is a danger to me and my kids in the car so I feel it would be justified. I don't have one though so unfortunately so there isn't much I can do. Would be good to see others do it though.

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Fab 1, so sorry to hear of your loss mate. I hope that the hurt goes away and leaves you with fond memories. These devices are a nuisance in modern society. It's easy enough to have "hands free" in your vehicle. Neil.

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A sad reflection on society's ever increasing use of technology for all the wrong reasons.

Sorry for your loss, no one should have to bear that as a result of another persons inconsiderate and stupid actions.



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Thanks for the kind words guys.

The pain and sadness my elderly mother and sister go through on occasions like birthdays and christmas far outweigh mine.

Jessica was my sisters daughter,not my brothers it just happened that my brother would always pick his nieces and nephews up on their birthdays and take them out to do whatever they liked.

That's just the way he was.

Sent from my GT-I8730T using Tapatalk

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Sorry for your loss. It is terrible that with all the news and reports, still so many use their mobile phone while driving.

I do not understand why the cops can't do random Handy checks. Having heavy penalties does not help, if they are not applied on a daily basis. It would be easy to reprogram a road camera to take picture of every car passing by, and if the image recognition suspects a phone is in use, it can pass it to manual process to a cop, otherwise discart the picture. When I wait to cross the road on pacific highway, I estimate I see a person on the phone every 30 cars. With the normal peek hour traffic it's probably 1 every 2 minutes.

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It is because some of today's younger people are f***wits, and do not care about anyone but themselves. Does not apply to all of them though.

Saw one girl 'driving' her car with her knees, while she was holding a bowl of cereal in one hand and a spoon in the other hand. Have also seen people applying makeup, shaving with an electric shaver, reading a newspaper and one young bloke obviously receiving a head job from his girlfriend while driving on a freeway around 100k/h.

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