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Hat Head


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Hi Fellow fishraiders,

Me and a mate are heading up to hat head in mid june, chasing kingies, longtails if they around and the usual suspects during the day. only problem is we have never been here before and we have fished rock ledges fom bermagui to past numbucca. Could anyone relay some information or where to chase to bait.. is there squid around those parts?

also some jewy spots that arent off the beach would be great.

and to finish off, the closest tackle shop would great

Thanks in advance to the generous fish raiders out there who like to share there knowledge around, with out you guys fishing would be 10X harder

kind regards


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Hi pescator5, you are going to a great location but at not the best time of year. For Longtail and Spanish, March and April would usually be the time. Having said that there is still a lot of warm water still heading down south, so who knows. I have fished Hat Head frequently since the late 70's and have had some great days up there. Re squid, I havent caught any and the terrain doesn't seem to lend it self to squid - lack of kelp and weed beds and the like. You may have some luck with Kingies but again, that time of year they tend to be offshore. HH is good for Cobia but again timing isn't great. If you have a 4WD the beach will be good for tailor.

The closet tackle shop is at Southwest Rocks (40 minutes away) and they should be good for local info.

Enjoy yourself at a great spot. If you would like any further info, PM me.


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  • 4 weeks later...

thanks for all the replys guys,

Unfortunatley due to a series of unfortunate events this trip will not be possible, and believe me when i say ive been crying myself to sleep everynight.

Anyway there will always be next june

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Guest Aussie007

thanks for all the replys guys,

Unfortunatley due to a series of unfortunate events this trip will not be possible, and believe me when i say ive been crying myself to sleep everynight.

Anyway there will always be next june

my mates only caught all little reef fish mate they stayed almost 24 hours and nothing decent was caught

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