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Brighton Amateur Fishing Club?


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Have often sighted signs in Kyeemagh advertising the Brighton Amateur Fishing Club. As I am looking for a club in my area I called in there today. Big building, apparently a licensed club, great boat ramp for members, large trailer parking area and top waterfront real estate. But, no one there, the place was all shut down with big semis using the car park to park their rigs.

Do any raiders know what is the status of this club, has it folded or is it undergoing repairs etc?




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The club went broke, but a few of the members have brought it back to life with regards to

the boating facilities (ie ramp, moorings and a few other related facilities). The ramp is kept

locked with gates and members are issued with a key. They call it the Muddy Creek Fishermans


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Thanks billfisher, I wonder how long the members will be able to keep it going. Looks like a developer's dream property for a big residential development.



Funny you should mention that. What I heard it was a set up that sunk the Club.

Have a bit of a Google around and if your sceptical like me it smells.

Oh and Joes mentioned ... surprise.

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Funny you should mention that. What I heard it was a set up that sunk the Club.

Have a bit of a Google around and if your sceptical like me it smells.

Oh and Joes mentioned ... surprise.

Did the Google and see what you mean. Some interesting names among the people mentioned.

Maybe the club should consider developing the site itself, it seems to be a large site that could probably develop only part of it (a bit like the Sharks) and leave the club intact. Or do you think that someone has already thought of that?

You would think that the developers that were on the board would have recognized the potential and been able to come up with a plan to benefit the members and save the club?

Also, who owns the site and what caveats are in place re distribution of the proceeds of a sale. I know that clubs like the RMYC have a requirement for the proceeds of a sale to be handed over to another RMYC.

If a developer does buy it and builds medium density housing they may be the first development having its own boat launching ramp. Now that could be interesting.





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I visited the club a few months after BAFA closed , about a year or so back & spoke with the guys setting up the new club , Muddy Creek boating & fishing.

This may be of interest,


The charges for joining, ramp fees etc I thought were excessive but that may have changed.

In respect to contact , there was a sign on the ramp gates with the information but may have changed & Muddy creek club may be no more due to develoment.


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Hi Geoff

Thank you for the heads up on the plans for the site. Very impressive but I cannot see it happening in my lifetime unless the State Government establishes an Authority similar to that formed to manage the redevelopment of Darling Harbour in 1988. And a minister with the drive and foresight of Laurie Brereton (who was responsible for that project) undertakes to make it happen.

The proposed development of the large public areas will require a lot of up front money from the Government before it will get any returns from leases etc. This is exactly what happened at Darling Harbour where the then Government signed off on a (1988) budget in excess of $650 Mill which then encouraged private developers to do their thing based on long term lease of land zoned for private development.

Unlike Darling Harbour the Muddy Creek area is unlikely to become a significant tourist destination in its own right hence any private development will need to be viable based on a relatively small visitor catchment area. If that is correct I cannot see too many private developers queuing up to participate.

Hope that I am wrong and the whole plan proceeds asap.



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  • 11 months later...

just come across this post and yes i'm a year late but i can fill in the dots.

Ever wonder why Brighton Le Sands Amateur Fishermen's Association (Brighton Fishos) was closed and shut down?
Well.... here's a little insight on what happened (please see the MCBAFA website and click on the audio links)
The club rejoined as Muddy Creek Boating and Amateur Fishing Association (MCBAFA) and is still going strong with 280+ members
The 3 cradle slipway is still operating, The Trailer Boat Ramp is key access only (STRICTLY MCBAFA MEMBERS ONLY) and NO JET SKIS
There are facilities to clean your fish and to rinse your boat.
the Muddy Creek Boating and Amateur Fishing Association (MCBAFA) website: http://www.mcbafa.com.au
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